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Scizor card

~Rebellious Rage~

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These are some of my pokemon cards my only pokemon type I mostly have trainers but this is my pokemon. Scizor is my favorite pokemon ever!!! The pic for metal coat isn't that good becouse I spent 2 hours looking for a good pic for it and eventualy gave up found that thing.


Scizors attack and def are unnateral becouse I added a 0 to my scizors actual attack and defence in pearl version.

poke212c.gifGO SCIZOR!!!

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the token dont usually have the same name as the monster.... how bout Steel Claw Token


and effect:

"Once per turn, you can Special Summon 1 "NAME Token" (Insect-Type/WIND/Level 1/ATK 0/DEF 0). When the "NAME Token" is destroyed, inflict 300 damage to your opponent."


something like this..... or who ever have a better ocg.. feel free........

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