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Rule regarding "Joke Cards"


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From now on I will be Cracking down on Cards that fit into 1or more of the following criteria:

1) Cards with Stats like "INF" and 9999/9999.

2) Cards with Poor quality and Pixelated Art.

3) Overused Internet Memes like "Chuck Norris"

Any topics like these will be instantly LOCKED. If you do it again I will be handing out a 10% Warning Level. I am doing this to help Improve the Quality of Pop Culture. If any other Mods wish to add anything then feel free :)


If any Members have any questions then just ask

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  • Replies 67
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- I agree with Rule 1 completely.

- In regard to grammar, I agree with Rule 2 and couldn't be happier. In regard to image quality, maybe it is a wee be harsh.

- I understand Rule 3, but I don't agree. If you make a "Chuck Norris" card that is perfectly balanced (and neither DIVINE nor Divine-Beast), what's so wrong with that?

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It's just the amount of OP'ed cards with him. If however the card is PLAYABLE I may let it slide ;)


Ok thanks but I didn't mean to leave him divine if that was any of the problem. I noticed because of something someone said above and his attack power is a little high but in my opinion that's all I notice

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It's just the amount of OP'ed cards with him. If however the card is PLAYABLE I may let it slide ;)


Ok thanks but I didn't mean to leave him divine if that was any of the problem. I noticed because of something someone said above and his attack power is a little high but in my opinion that's all I notice


I wonder who that someone was... But anyway, I actually thought that your Chuck Norris was a good example of a Chuck Norris card. One of the telltale signs of a good Chuck Norris card is that its ATK is none of the following values: 9999, infinite, max, etc.


Also it doesn't have the effect: "This card can never be destroyed evur!" or anything like that.

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It's just the amount of OP'ed cards with him. If however the card is PLAYABLE I may let it slide ;)


Ok thanks but I didn't mean to leave him divine if that was any of the problem. I noticed because of something someone said above and his attack power is a little high but in my opinion that's all I notice


I wonder who that someone was... But anyway' date=' I actually thought that your Chuck Norris was a good example of a Chuck Norris card. One of the telltale signs of a good Chuck Norris card is that its ATK is none of the following values: 9999, infinite, max, etc.


Also it doesn't have the effect: "This card can never be destroyed evur!" or anything like that.



thx I dislike unbeatable cards... and plus it would totally be beaten if chuck norris himself was playing against it lol

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