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Hurricane Cards Set 2 (CANE2)


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Lets not get into this discussion, if you do please PM him about it. We've been through this before. I like em all.



I like Hurricane Katrina the best (Seriously no offense to cluelesscat, I just like the effect) and Tropical Storm Jose, it's a good price to Special Summon a monster that you can use as tribute to summon Katrina.

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This was the worst idea for a deck i've seen so far



That's a little harsh don't you think, and if you think this is the worst idea for a deck ever then you obviously haven't looked through too many of the cards on this site. I think he did a very good job of with... EVERYTHING, I think they're all pretty balanced, although Katrina is a little on the broken side, but if does only work when it's normal summoned, I'd make it so that the monsters can't attack that turn (Doesn't mean I still don't love the effect :D ... just a little broken)

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:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: HOW?!?!?!?!?!... (breath)... okay, in case you didn't guess I have a very strong opinion on the subject... ... ... ... ... ...




Hurricanes are a very powerful destructive force of nature and deserve to have cards that match their power, that's the way I see it anyways. 8)

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Yeah' date=' the cards are strong, very strong, only making cards of Hurricanes are kinda off, i mean, Hurricane's actually kill people in real life, the cards are good but morally, thats wrong.[/quote']


Whoa, wait a minute... Every single card I have made and posted is about the desructive power of weather... including lightining, tornadoes, hurricane, hail... I mean, since no one has a problem with my deck, why does DuelingHorus get reamed for making storm related cards?


And as for the comment about the worst deck idea... may I remind the young user that DuelingHorus has been here longer and had his first Hurricane set posted BEFORE you even saw the site, so you have no right to call his deck a stupid idea.


And now for DuelingHorus, like I said in your first set, although I don't particulary agree with using actual Hurricanes... once again, your genius is howing... love the cards, and I think we should have the ultmate weatehr showdown... your Hurricane versus my weather warrior... hehe!

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