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The Official YCM Resource Thread


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[align=center]Well it's here ladies and gentleman!


The ultimate resource thread!



You cannot post any tutorial that is not yours. If you have permission then please say so or quote something the owner of it said. Post their username in that forum and post the forum. DO NOT FAKE IT OR I'LL CHECK IT OUT MY SELF.



DA: Don't use any images from DA without the artists permission. We don't want them hunting us.

Do not use images for packs from DA even if the artist said you can.



You have to credit the artist/photographer/renderers too. This will make it easier for us to you know check them out.


If you would like to contribute to this thread just make a few stock packs or render packs and upload them on an uploading site. Then post them here in the thread where i will add it to the first post ^_^


I have plenty of things and all of these things that i have i own for FR


That means i have all rights to every thing i post.


Please before you post make sure you either own FR or you actually made it yourself. If you dont then you will get a warning for posting links to things that you do not own.


Stock Packs:

















for now these are all i have that are in stock...


So please post some tutorials and some of your best .xcf's or PSD's...



Good luck![/align]

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Very nice idea, glad we've finally got it done. I'm gonna keep my renders to myself unless they're asked for. Just had enough ripping already.


I might add 2 tuts that I've done rendering with the Polygonal Lasso and one for a sig style I did when someone asked for it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hioco Can you please add this up?



You cannot post any tutorial that is not yours. If you have permission then please say so or quote something the owner of it said. Post their username in that forum and post the forum. DO NOT FAKE IT OR I'LL CHECK IT OUT MY SELF.



DA: Don't use any images from DA without the artists permission. We don't want them hunting us.

Do not use images for packs from DA even if the artist said you can.



You have to credit the artist/photographer/renderers too. This will make it easier for us to you know check them out.


I'll add more soon.

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