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Extra Deck: 1


1x Elemental Hero Grand Neos


Monsters: 20


3x Neos Wiseman

2x Elemental Hero Neos

3x Yubel

1x Elemental Hero Stratos

3x Elemental Hero Prisma

3x Armageddon Knight

2x Phantom of Chaos

3x Mystic Tomato


Spells: 14


3x E - Emergency Call

3x Reinforcement of the Army

3x Allure of Darkness

2x Fake Hero

1x Monster Reborn

1x Lightning Vortex

1x Heavy Storm


Traps: 7


1x Torrential Tribute

1x Mirror Force

2x Limit Reverse

3x Solemn Judgment


I think Allures are fine in here with 11 targets. It adds speed to the deck (I hope). Also, Prisma is for Neos Dumping purposes only. Armageddon Knight dumps Yubel in a similar manner that Prisma dumps Neos so I can either revive it with Monster Reborn or Limit Reverse or copy it with Phantom of Chaos.

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