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Do the Unexpected in an Unexpected Fashion (revised)

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This deck was thrown together quickly before I took a shower. The whole idea is to have some unexpected cards that work with the deck, and will surprise my opponent. Therefore, I will ask that the only changes you make are ones that will keep surprising cards in the deck. I do know it needs improvements, though.


Deck Size: 41


Monsters: 23

[2]Dark Necrofear (Can be SS'd face-down?)

[3]Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World

[2]Sillva, Warlord of Dark World

[3]Bronn, Mad King of Dark World

[3]Giant Germ

[2]Dark Resonator


[2]Protector of the Sanctuary

[1]Kahkki, Guerilla of Dark World

[1]Snipe Hunter


[1]Morphing Jar


Spells: 13

[3]Dark World Dealings

[2]Dark World Lightning

[2]Card of Safe Return

[1]The Cheerful Coffin

[1]Heavy Storm

[1]Mystical Space Typhoon

[1]Monster Reborn

[1]Card Destruction

[1]Lightning Vortex


Traps: 5


[1]Mirror Force

[1]Torrential Tribute

[1]Card Crush Virus


Extra Deck: 15

[1]Arms Aid (4)

[2]Ally of Justice Catastor (5)

[1]Brionac, Dragon of the Frozen Realm (6)

[2]Goyo Guardian

[1]Black Rose Dragon (7)

[2]X-Saber Urbellum

[1]Thought Ruler Archfiend (8)

[1]Red Archfiend Dragon

[2]Dark-End Dragon

[2]Stardust Dragon


Cards I'm thinking about:

Allure of Darkness

Cold Wave (wouldn't work well in this deck)

Bottomless Trap Hole


Sinister Sprocket (not too seriously)

Dark Bribe

Solemn Judgment

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-[1]The Cheerful Coffin

-[3]Penalty Game!



2 Card of Safe

1 Dark Deal

2 Bottomless Trap Hole


-[3]Giant Germ

-[2]Kahkki, Guerilla of Dark World(to the side deck)


-[2]Protector of the Sanctuary


+3 Beiige

+2 Dark Sprocketer(if you have these)

+2 Deck Devestation Virus.

+2 Something else.

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Actually, protector is a big assist to this deck. Just now I tested my deck and dropped my opponent's hand twice with Protector on the field. They left.


Card of Safe Return is not in here for a main reason: I didn't want to be uniform with other decks. However, I am feeling like I should put it in here anyway.


Giant Germ stays because he helps keep the field stocked, and the grave.


Khakki also helped me out twice in the deck I'm using, and I plan on running CCV. This is an online deck, by the way. Also, probably no on Sprocket. I am not feeling his effect at all.

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Being different for its own sake isn't a good thing. Yes' date=' surprises can screw your opponent up, but that means surprising tech, not the disinclusion of a that is needed because of some sense that one must be different. All Dark World uses CoSR.


The main theme of this deck was not supposed to be Dark World, but I'm going to put it in.


P.S. Oh yeah, and Kuriboh is in here so I can ditch him for graveyard food. That's his main purpose.


P.P.S. I made some changes.

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