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First Contest[LOCK]


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Good Job everyone! Thank you all for participating! I had some tough choices to make here...there were some very good cards...

There were 3 pretty much flawless cards, and after much deliberation, I've come to the following conclusion:


1st: Silent Hunter's "Blazing Exterminist Gandora"



This card cannot be Special Summoned from the Graveyard. This card can only be Advance Summoned by Releasing 3 FIRE Monters. When this card is Advance Summoned, Special Summon 2 "Blazing Lord Token" (Pyro-Type/FIRE/Level 1/ATK 1000/DEF 1000) in Attack Position. The "Blazing Lord Tokens" cannot be used as a Tribute for a Tribute Summon (or Set). When they are destroyed by battle, Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower Pyro-Type monster from your hand. You can Release 1 monster you control to take control of 1 of your opponent`s monsters. If you do this, discard you entire hand. Once per turn, you can draw card and reveal it, if it was a Monster Card, destroy 1 monster your opponent control and increase the ATK of 1 monster you control by 300. If it was a Spell or Trap Card, destroy 1 Spell or Trap Card you control and your opponent discards 1 random card from his/her hand.


2nd: The Almighty Animator's "Sunstar Mage"



1 Spellcaster Tuner monster + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters.

When this card is Synchro Summoned,you can place 1 Sunstar Counter on this card for each card used in the Synchro Summon of this card.This card gains 300 ATK for each Stunstar Counter on it.Once per turn,you may remove 1 Sunstar Counter from this card to negate the attack of your one of your opponent's monsters.


3rd: DeMeNTeD's "Cyber Flamethrower"



This monster cannot be Summoned from your Graveyard. This monster's ATK and DEF are equal to the number of monsters in your Graveyard x100. During your Battle Phase you can activate 1 of the following effects:

-This monster can attack 3 times in the same Battle Phase. All other monsters you control cannot attack this turn.

-Pay Life Points equal to the number of cards in your hand x250. This monster can attack your opponent directly.

-Pay 1000 Life Points. Your opponent cannot activate any Set Spell or Trap Cards during your Battle Phase.


Congrats to the winners, it was a close match. Better luck next time to the rest of you!


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I'm in.


Effect: This monster cannot be Summoned from your Graveyard. This monster's ATK and DEF are equal to the number of monsters in your Graveyard x100. During your Battle Phase you can activate 1 of the following effects:

-This monster can attack 3 times in the same Battle Phase. All other monsters you control cannot attack this turn.

-Pay Life Points equal to the number of cards in your hand x250. This monster can attack your opponent directly.

-Pay 1000 Life Points. Your opponent cannot activate any Set Spell or Trap Cards during your Battle Phase.

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Guest darkgodzilla

i would like to join plz :)


"Water,Earth,Fire,Dark,or Light Warrior"+"opposite of other material warrior"

This monsters ATK and DEF is the total ATK and DEF of the fusioned monsters. This card cannot be destroyed by monster effects.

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WELL this my favourite card I made... Is DARK but just see the effect before discard it jeje


Effect (There are some erratas that I correct here): This card cannot be normal summoned or set. This card can only be special summoned when there are at least 3 "Voltech" DARK-Machine monsters in your graveyard. When an effect target this card, remove this card from the game. When this card is removed from the field(By an effect) special summon it on your side of the field instead.

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Here is my entry.




All of your face-up monsters with an ATK less less than or equal to the ATK of this card cannot be destroyed in battle by a monster whose ATK is greater than or equal to the DEF of this card. Damage calculation is applied normally.


The art is by Tupipak on deviantart.com

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Entry Reserved :D

EDIT: I've got my card here, here it is ^_^


[align=center]Blazing Exterminist Gandora


This card cannot be Special Summoned from the Graveyard. This card can only be Advance Summoned by Releasing 3 FIRE Monters. When this card is Advance Summoned, Special Summon 2 "Blazing Lord Token" (Pyro-Type/FIRE/Level 1/ATK 1000/DEF 1000) in Attack Position. The "Blazing Lord Tokens" cannot be used as a Tribute for a Tribute Summon (or Set). When they are destroyed by battle, Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower Pyro-Type monster from your hand. You can Release 1 monster you control to take control of 1 of your opponent`s monsters. If you do this, discard you entire hand. Once per turn, you can draw card and reveal it, if it was a Monster Card, destroy 1 monster your opponent control and increase the ATK of 1 monster you control by 300. If it was a Spell or Trap Card, destroy 1 Spell or Trap Card you control and your opponent discards 1 random card from his/her hand.


Disclaimer: I do not own the artwork of my card

Expert OCG was used like Advance Summon-Tribute Summon, Release-Tribute

Hope Ya Like It

:D :) :mrgreen: ^_^ XD

~Silent Hunter

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My Entry:




This card can only be activated by the effect of "The Claw of Hermos" on "Obelisk the Tormentor". This card can only be equipped to a Level 4 or lower Warrior-Type monster. The equipped monsters ATK is increased by 4000. By tributing 2 monsters on your side of the field destroy all monsters on your opponent's side of the field and decrease their Life Points by the ATK of the equipped monster (This effect may only be used once in the duel)

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Sunstar mage is my favorite card.the art fits,the effect is great and balanced,and the name has to be my best yet.

also,the effect:

1 Spellcaster Tuner monster + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters.

When this card is Synchro Summoned,you can place 1 Sunstar Counter on this card for each card used in the Synchro Summon of this card.This card gains 300 ATK for each Stunstar Counter on it.Once per turn,you may remove 1 Sunstar Counter from this card to negate the attack of your one of your opponent's monsters.

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i live cyber hugs but i want first!!!!!
























oh i almost forgot heres my card



[spoiler=effect]This monster may not be normal summoned or set this card may not be special summoned except by sacrificing 3 face up fire attribute monsters from your side of the field.once per turn you may remove from play one monster in your graveyard to put one fire token on this monster(max 4) by removing 4 fire tokens from this card special summon one monster that is out of play.


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This monster can be Summoned to the Field Spell Card Zone by discarding 1 card from your hand. Whle in the Field Spell Card Zone this card gains the following effect:

- Both players draw 10 cards. They shuffle the 10 cards and they put it in a pile, put the Decks together, and shuffle it. But the pile at a side of the field, and each turn during each player's Draw Phase, the player must draw from that pile instead of his/her original Deck. If this card is destroyed, cards from that pile are sent to the Graveyard.

If you Summon this card as a monster, activate the following effect:

-Discard 2 cards from your hand. Look at your opponent's hand and your opponent discards each monster with less than Level 4. Take 500 damage to your Life Points for each card destroyed by this card's effect. Then select monster sent to the Graveyard by this card's effect and equip it to this card. This card gains the ATK and DEF of the equipped monster. If there are no monsters lower than Level 4, you select one monster lower than Level 4 from your Deck, and equip it to this card. This card gains the ATK and DEF of the equipped monster. When this card is destroyed, you loose 700 Life Points.




Idea Credit to J-Max

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heres my entry


This card can only be Special Summoned by sending any number of WATER monsters from your hand and field to the Graveyard. The ATK of this monster becomes the number of WATER monsters in your Graveyard x500. As long as this card is in face-up Defense Position, during each of your Standby Phases, inflict 500 damage to your opponent.

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