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poor Davok,


buy the way, as the final form of Xemnas uses light, Roscuro can also use that (he is a fusion of the 2 final bosses, he has to be powerful) finally he uses his power to create replicas of all of organization 13's weapons as he misses them (a sign of his growing humanity as he as been made complete using the hearts the heartless and nobodies given) he can use these weapons in battle, such as Luxord's card attacks. my charecter is unique because while he is neutral, he is considered evil as he directly opposes sora and Aros, Roscuro's hometown is the End of that Which Never Started which is a fusion of end of world and world that never was, however as it is new it is only the size of mars and is actually a moon to the heartless world for now


when is this starting, i get impatient quickly

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  • 2 weeks later...

i have decided to just keep my characters power to just heartless control, being able to make clones (as final xemnas did) nothingness powers, a keyblade shaped like a car key, light power, nobody control, and darkness powers if i want different powers i will create new characters as Roscuro's servents

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  • 2 weeks later...



Name: Erin Mleek

Age: 16

Weapon: A dark red staff, with spikes on one side.

Height: 6,2

Eye color: Blue

Hair color: Dark red

Side: undecided, he wants to avenge his father but he wants to fight for the side of light as well


Bio: Growing up alone, his father had been dead for some time due to Sora's previous endeavors. He was Marluxia's son. He had taught himself how to fight, and he had a great build for someone his age. He did not wear the organization thirteen cloak that his father wore. He wears a black robe, with crossing deep dark blue slashes.


He had wondered why Sora had killed his father. For, he didn't know his father was evil. His mother, who is still unknown and left when Erin was two years old, is the only other person, who knows Erin more then the man walking on the street. Erin had no family, or friends, and he blamed Sora for it all.


After realizing Marluxia was part of the organization that had took so many innocent peoples hearts. He was driven mad. He didn't know which side to join. So now he watches. Any unfit acts he sees he kills the person whom he blames, but he isn't exactly good due to the fact his judging whats right and wrong. He didn't mind thieves as long as it was either steal or die, but when someone tried to stop him he had killed him. He was the judgement of this world.


After countless deaths he got bored of being the judge, so he hides out, waiting for a messiah of sorts, to help him out of his misery, and to teach him what is true.

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Name:Lee Dagger


Weapon:Long broad sword that transforms into a motorcycle when he comands.A 6 inch switch blade

and his massive speed and strengthand some dark and light powers


Eye color:Gray

Hair color:Semi long Black hair

Side:unconfirmed because with his shattered past no one can tell


Bio:One day in his weapons lab while making a time portal nobodies attacked his creation, which lead to him being flung into the time portal, which was covered in darkness,thus creating the man he is today.Left with the cold memory he is forced to ride the eternal time line and fight many wars. During his adventures many people recall him being good and many bad.His undecided fate has left him to belive his is the one who will be left at the end of the world.

one question when do we start?

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