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Animal Card Contest #5! Winner gets 6 reps!!!!!!!

Guest Tiger

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[align=center]Here I am again, with my 5th animal card contest!!! I can't believe it!!! Anywayz, In this contest there is no entry fee!!!!



No Inappropriate Cards!*

No Spamming**

Ask Question through PM only

No Flaming****

Try your hardest!


1 * = 1 -rep


The contest ends on September 18th!!!




1. magno

2. bix

3. grale253

4. Wolfia

5. Catman

6. FM6

7. Kale

8. Neowolf

9. maxscool101

10. monkeybuoy2

11. DeMeNTeD

12. Silent Hunter™

13. God Duelist

14. Ryuchan

15. doOms dAy

16. Fuzzie

17. Espeonature

18. BlackLusterSoldier76

19. WhiteFang29


21. TGPharaoh

22. lightdiversion

23. xtremelymean






1st: 6 reps!!!!


2nd: Nothing


3rd: Nothing[/align]

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[spoiler=effect]Ocean Dragon Lord – Neo Daedalus + Summoned Skull.

This card can only be Summoned by Fusion Summon.Discard 1 card to activate one of the following:

-Destroy all cards on the field and in both players’ hands - except himself.

Summon 1 lv 4 Sea Serpent in atk mode.

In the next End Phase after this effect has been activated both players Draw 1 card.





Uria Lord of Searing Flames + Hamon Lord of Striking Thunder.

This card can only be Summoned by Fusion Summon.If there is a phantasm token on you side of the field.Destroy all Aqua type monsters on the field.inflect 1000 points of damage to your opponents life points.




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ima join!


When this card is destroyed as a result of battle, activate one of the following effects:

-By paying 1500 Life Points, you can remove 2 of your opponent's cards from play.

-By paying 1500 Life Points, you can Special Summon a card from you or your opponent's Graveyard.

-Special Summon a card from your hand with lower ATK than this card.

-Special Summon a card from your hand with lower DEF than this card.

-Destroy a Spell/Trap card on your opponent's side of the field.

-Special Summon a Level 5 or lower DARK monster from your hand.

-Special Summon a Level 5 or lower Beast-Type monster from your hand.

When this card is destroyed, remove this card from play.


Note:I use similar effects for many of my cards

Note:Image by PearlEden from DeviantART http://pearleden.deviantart.com/art/Lyanti-Wolf-of-Eclipse-67163421



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@Wolfia: Your In!

@Catman: Your In!

@FM6: Your In, and up to 3 cards.

@Kale: Yep that's all you have to do, and your in!

@Neowolf: Your In!

@maxscool101: Your In!

@monkeybuoy2: Your In!

@DeMeNTeD: Your In!

@Silent Hunter™: Your In!

@God Duelist: Your In!

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