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Elemental Hero Recycle?

EHERO Andrew

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Ok... I was on yugioh.wikia, and I searched for "Big City". It seemed that one of the E-Hero/City decks is called "Elemental Recycle". This deck centers around the Elemental Hero cards shown in the manga. The main focus of this deck is to continuosly recycling cards needed to fuse E-Heros using mainly Stratos , Ocean ,and Woodsman. Can anyone make a deck list for this? Whoever makes me a really good deck list, gets 10 reps.


Remember, the deck must contain:

EH Stratos

EH Ocean

EH Woodsman

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3x Elemental hero woodsman

3x ocean

1x stratos



3x polymorisation

3x back to square 1

3x emergency call

2x lightning vortex

3x rota

2x skyscraper 2

1x mst

1x monster reborn

1x card destruction




3x SJ

2x karma cut

1x mirror

1x TNT



3X Terra Firma

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Well, this was my first idea... (this is just first trial deck)



3 EH Terra Firma


Monsters: 16

1 EH Stratos

3 EH Ocean

3 EH Woodsman

3 EH Prisma

3 EH Heat (just for the extra power. after all he is in the manga right?)

3 Marauding Captain


Spells: 17


3 E-Call

2 R-Justice

1 Monster Reborn

3 Hero City

2 Pot of Avarice

2 Card of Safe Return

1 Polymerization (Woodsman can search for it in the Grave. No reason to use more than 1)


Traps: 7

3 Dark Bribe

3 Dimensional Prison

1 Mirror Force

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