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fakemon seviper pre-evo

Code Y.C.M

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The seviper Pre-evo is interesting. I don't quite like the tail on either, kind of made bad. Secondly I don't like what you did with that blue color, how it streaks down the head and how it is on the chest. Next there is an issue with this things borders. You could have things more wrondg, you have things too jagged. Also the tongue and fangs doesn't blend right at all. So this sprite needs a lot more polishing. So you need to do more work with this one.


The wobuffet evo is first off uneeded. Wobuffet is already god tier (he might drop, but then he is still overused) Evolutions should be for things that need the extra stats, wobuffet doesn't though. Ignoring that though, I don't quite like it. Wobuffet is suppose to be goofy looking, but you made something that looks serious and angry. Also your edges and border everywhere are poorly shaped. Shading also seems off, but not too much.The colors of your border are off too. They are black in a few spots where they should be dark blue, and dark blue where they should be black. I agree with the comment before too, you could have done more with the tail.


Overall, work with your lines and shape, things are blotchy and disfigured. That right now is probably your largest issue.

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