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This my MASTER OF DRAGONS challenge. There will be rounds in which you will make cards of my chose!!



1. All cards must be dragon or must have something to do with dragons.

2. No innapropriate cards of ANY way. example: Swearing, Nude pics etc.

3. 3 rounds.

4. No Spamming.

5. Maximum of 20 contestants.

6. Entry fee 10 points.

7. End date for Round 1 is September 16th, 2008.


PRIZE FOR FIRST PLACE: 3 Reps + 80% of the total points made + Winners cards will be made into my NEW STYLE of yu-gi-oh cards!!

No more prizes, its only the best person.



Second Round Card Plan:

1 Dragon monster with 0 ATK and its a level 8!!

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Sending Points.... Done!


Cards - (3/3)




Dragon Caller - If this card is the only card on your Field, you may discard 1 card from your Hand to Special Summon 1 "Undead Dragon" from your Graveyard.


Undead Dragon - This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by the effect of "Dragon Caller". If this card is the only card on the Field it is treated as a Normal Monster. This card gains 200 ATK for every Special Summoned or Tribute Summoned monster on your Field


Dark Shadow Dragon - Dragon Caller + Undead Dragon

When this card is Fusion Summoned you may send 15 card from the top of your deck to the graveyard to make the original ATK of this card 3000.

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[spoiler=Nightmetal's Lore]Pure Metal Dragon - Garygos + Eternal Midnight Dragon - Celiner

This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Fusion Summoned with the above Fusion Material Monsters. Once per turn, you can flip one of your opponent's face-up monsters into face-down defense position. For every face-down card on the field increase the ATK of this card by 300. When this card is destroyed as a result of battle, you can pay 1000 Life Points to Special Summon this card on your third Standby Phase after you used this effect.


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points sent

here's my entry





Burning flame dragon effect:

"Redfire Dragon"+"High Sky Dragon"

this card cannot be summoned except by fusion summon. once per turn by remove from play 1 card from your graveyard if you not remove from play card decrease this card ATK by 500 point. if this card destroy a defense position monster inflict damage to your opponent life point equal than half of DEF of the destroyed monster. if this card inflict damage to your opponent life point in this way roll a six sided dice and activate following effect based on the result.

1: you discard 1 card from your hand

2: your opponent discard 1 card from his/her hand.

3: opponent take 500 damage

4:you take 500 damage

5: remove from play 1 card on your opponent graveyard.

6: destroy this card and both player take damage equal than half of this card ATK.




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Here for round 2:




1 Tuner monster + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

When this card is Synchro Summoned, select two Dragon-Type monsters in your Graveyard. This card's ATK is equal to those monsters' DEF's combined. When this card is destroyed as a result of battle, you can Special Summon this card on your next Standby Phase with half its previous ATK. When this monster's ATK is less than 500, destroy all monsters on your opponent's side of the field.

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