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Machine Revolution Contest [Finished]


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I want you to make Machine Monsters as playable as possible.

I will be grading art, effect, and well playability.

Card should be a Machine type of any level, with the word Junker, Cyber Revolutionary, or Junkyard in its name..

Prizes are as followed:


1st Place- 3 + reps.

2nd Place- 2 + reps.

3rd place- 1 + rep


End Date is the 12th of September.





Monkeybuoy- Entry Complete


El Beasto Perezoso- Out of Constest.


DeMeNTeD- Needs Cards.


flaming- entry complete


Code YCM- Entry complete. Curretnly 1st Place.


Johnist- Entry Complete


Ryuchan- Entry Complete- Currently 3rd Place.


Tectonix- Entry Complete- Currently 2nd place.


Arkel- Entry Complete


Neowolf- Entry Complete


Kid23- Entry Complete


RAWMansonBoy- Entry Complete


liam05- Out of constest.


magno- entry complete.


X-L YEAHHHHHHH!!!!!!- entry complete.


Cloud9- Out of contest.




So now, I wish you good luck.

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  • Replies 85
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Nice Card.


Artwork: 75% becuase it doesn't really fit the name. But it'll do.

Playability:80 %

Effect: 50 % The effect seems a little simple, and too realistic. Also, you would need about 5 monsters to make it 2000 points. Is the purpose Spell and Trap Card destruction?


Ok, right now, Monkeybuoy being the only one, he is in the lead.

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well its ATK is kinda like chimeratech overdragon, except a little weaker, and the destruction of spell and traps is an addition, but how is it not realistic enough?


how does the name not fit the artwork? its in a junkyard and is made up of junk


oh well, its your judgement

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i made a spell card just as a support to the set.


Junkyard Speciality


Choose 1 Machine Type monster on your side of the field, and tribute it to Special Summon 1 monster with "Junker" in it's name from your Graveyard to your side of the field in ATK Mode.


Junker, Lone Bot


This monster can be Special Summoned to your side of the field when you draw it to your hand. If this card is the only monster on your side of the field, Special Summon another "Junker, Lone Bot" to your side of the field.


Junker, Small Junk Piece


This monster can be Special Summoned if it is in your hand during your Draw Phase. When this monster is Normal Summoned, choose 1 Equip-Spell card in your Graveyard, and return it to your hand.

That is currently my Entrie, i hope it is good.

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am i allowed to enter or is there a contestant limit

No, you can enter.


Ok, also:


Playability- 70 %

Pic- Good, sorta 60%

Effect- I see it needs the Cyber Darks, interesting 80 %

Overall- 80%


Code Y.C.M-

1st Card-

Playability- Its a Spell, so of course its playable. 90%

Effect- Nice 80 %

Pic- Meh 50 %


I'll rate the others soon after I get home from school and finish my homework at about 5 o'clock.

Alph out!

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