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[spoiler=effect] This card may not be destroyed as a result of battle, battle damage is applied normally. Once per turn during your main phase roll a six sided die if you roll the following numbers apply the proper effect.

1. This card is destroyed and sent out of play after three turns during your draw phase you may pay 1000 life points and skip this draw phase to add this card to your hand.

2. Both you and your opponent take 100 damage times the number of cards in both players hands.

3. This card losses 300 attack and defense.

4. This card gains 1500 attack until the end of your turn.

5. Destroy one monster on your opponents side of the field.

6. you must pay 1000 points if you can not pay 1000 life points this card is destroyed.


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A Level 3, 3500 DEF Spellcaster. :shock: when I saw that. Summoning restrictions or DEF decreases seemed unoriginal.

So, well, artist in the circulation space.


Effect: If this card is Set, place it in face-up Defense Position instead. After a battle between this Defense Position card and an attacking monster whose ATK is lower than the DEF of this card, destroy this card. If it is the only card you control, you can place it on top of your Deck instead.


Is the opponent willing to pay Life Points to destroy your monster? Will they wait until you Summon another monster or place a Trap to circumvent the last effect?


Name inspired by Yugi's Winged Dragon

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Entry finished!



Fx: This card is also treated as a Fairy-type. If you control another Beast-type monster, by paying 700 Life Points, it can attack once again in a row. Each attack beyond the first by this effect costs 200 more Life Points. If you control another Fairy-type monster, when this card destroys a monster by battle, increase your Life Points by the destroyed monster's ATK or DEF, whichever is higher.


Artist: http://graysapphire.deviantart.com/

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Alright, this contest is going to die if I don't give results soon, so here they are.


[spoiler=Winner is...]

Wielder of the Ankh, for making an excellent card out of extremely imbalanced stats. Expect your +reps soon. If I had to choose a 2nd place, it'd be tuffguy1992, because he made good work out of his card, too. The OCG was a bit off, though. I think 1 +rep is a good enough 2nd place prize, right?




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