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Elemental Heros Cyborg Edition


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The art is great! There are a few grammar mistakes here and there, but overall I think they're pretty neat. IMO you should give 'em effects though... They kinda look like power rangers, lol... No offense or anything like that. I won't rate 'em till I see the final version; I have a feeling the artwork is gonna be amazing.

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

REALITY REVIEWS - The fairest critique artists you've ever seen!

Today's article: The Cyborg Elemental Heroes!

Their Current Rating: 98.3%


These cards are held in high prestige by others, even earning a review of

Theese put the official TCG to shame
from famed critic GigaBowserX! Let's see if they live up to their prestige:


PART 1: The Names

SGY: Well, they're all related, so that's good. Other than that, they remind me of Power Rangers - again, not a bad thing. They're pretty good.

Master Hand: They're all so... similar...

Crazy Hand: L'higas firata'arrgh, sef terdlak'es motoph Power Rangers; sada. (No name variety, but they're like Power Rangers; good.)

OVERALL: 73.3%


PART 2: The Effects

SGY: There are none. However, their stats reflect their backstories very well.

Master Hand: Well, the absence of evaluable content thereof rather devalues the cards; however, I'll admit they're all balanced.

Crazy Hand: Terdlak'es l'gvitas rent'arrgh, sef terdlak'es sada. (They aren't all they're cracked up to be, but they're good.)

OVERALL: 82.7%


PART 3: The Stories

SGY: Wonderful. I especially like how Red is the leader, just like in every Power Rangers in existence. I'm actually starting to get the feeling that these are based off of Power Rangers... not a bad thing.

Master Hand: Few people actually bother with that sort of thing... first extraordinary bit about this set!

Crazy Hand: Terdlak'es fetr et evall: ayvi sada! (They're there at all: very good!)



OVERALL REACTION: This set doesn't put the TCG to shame, that's for sure. They're actually quite bland, but their backstories make up for that. The effort was definitely there.


MY RATING: 8.5/10

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I like the fact that there is good descriptions, however one of the E-Heros main weaknesses was that they were vanilla, weak and were purely based on luck because all they were good for were fusions, so when you make more cards, make sure they aren't really weak. 7/10

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