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Luna Lovegood

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In a different dimension, Duel Monsters exist. Here is your chance to take control of a Duel Monster and fight for your freedom. You must join the Duel Monsters Allience to join. You may choose to be part of the Seperatists who want independence from the humans or the Loyalists who want to stay with the humans. Your Duel Monster Character is the character you signed up as in the Duel Monster Allience. Heres a link:




Stardust Dragon-mechking101



Rainbow Neos-01Cody Thunderbolt






Tuffguy1992-Destiny Hero Plasma

jasa159-Thunder Giant




There may only be 3 Rogues at a time. They are un-attached fighters.

1.Hamon, Lord of Stricking Thunder-Funk*Lord

2.The Creator God Of Light, Horkathy-Welche

3. Volcanic Doomfire-4tutoralcom



Heres a banner made by magno: Coming soon.

The one by mechking101: 49955621933379m3dc4.png

Update: I have decided all monsters are of EQUAL power

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