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My First Contest (Finished)


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Ok, this is my first contest so dont be mad if i do something wrong.



1. You must enter 3 cards.

2. It must be 1 Monster, 1 Spell and 1 Trap.

3. The 3 cards must have something to do with each other.

4. Your grammar and OCG must be as good as possible.




1st-3 rep and 3 points

2nd-2 rep and 2 points

3rd-1 rep and 1 point


I know the prizes arent very good but i will make more contests where the prizes are higher.


Ending Date:

When i have 8 participants.


Extra Messages:

I will judge the cards myself so dont ask to be judge.


1. greve brothers

2. Skylarman1

3. cardcreator 444

4. lookfun78

5. 11567




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[Effect for Orc Villimaður]: This monster cannot be Summoned by the effect of a Spell Card. If this monster was Advance Summoned by releasing 2 Warrior-Type monsters you control, destroy 1 monster your opponent controls. During the turn this monster was Summoned, your opponent takes no battle damage during your Battle Phase. If this monster destroys a Beast, Warrior, or Beast-Warrior-Type monster by battle, you can pay 800 Life Points to Summon it to your opponent's field in face-up Attack or Defense Position. The Summoned monster is treated as a Zombie-Type with an ATK and DEF of 800. Monsters Summoned by this effect cannot be released for an Advance Summon. If this monster destroys a Zombie-Type monster Summoned by this effect, the battle damage inflicted to your opponent is halved. If this monster is removed from the field by the effect of a Spell or Monster Card your opponent controls, it is removed from play.

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This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by removing 1 Spellcaster-type from your hand from play. While this card remains in play, your opponent must pay 500 Life Points in order to activate a Spell Card.


Excaliber closeup


This card can only be equipped to a LIGHT monster. A monster equipped with this card is considered a Warrior-type. Increase the equipped monster's ATK by 400. During your Battle Phase, you can place 1 Valor Counter on 1 of your monsters. Increase the ATK of a monster with a Valor Counter on it by 200. The Valor Counter is removed at the end of the Battle Phase. When this card is destroyed, select 2 Warrior-type monsters in your Graveyard and shuffle them back into your Deck.


Skies of Avalon


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I would like to enter. 4458cj5.jpg


Morphing Beast's Effect:

This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by sending 3 Beast-Type monsters you control to the graveyard. This card is unaffected by the effect of Malicious Madness and the controller of this card is unaffected by the effect of Instant Insanity.

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