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D-Hero? Really?

Tickle Me Emo

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Monsters: (18)

3x Plasma

2x Dreadmaster

3x Malicious

3x Dasher

2x DAD

2x PoC

1x Stratos

1x Grepher


Spells: (16)

3x D-Draw

3x Trade-In

3x Allure

2x MSE

2x RotA

2x Fires of the Doomsday

1x Monster Reborn

1x Heavy Storm


Traps: (6)

3x Solemn Judgment

1x CCV

1x TT

1x MF


Extra Deck: (15)

3x Destiny-End Dragoon

3x Stardust Dragon

3x Goyo Guardian

3x Colossal Fighter

3x RDA

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

Uh, 3x Dogma and 3x Dreadmaster, to name a few. 3x Plasma and 2x Dreadmaster will do the trick.


No reason for extra deck; no Prisma and no Tuners. -3 Dogma, -1 Dreadmaster, +2 Phantom of Chaos (Plasma, Dreadmaster abuse; Graveyard control), +1 Dasher, +1 Heavy.

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Uh' date=' 3x Dogma and 3x Dreadmaster, to name a few. 3x Plasma and 2x Dreadmaster will do the trick.


No reason for extra deck; [b']no Prisma and no Tuners.[/b] -3 Dogma, -1 Dreadmaster, +2 Phantom of Chaos (Plasma, Dreadmaster abuse; Graveyard control), +1 Dasher, +1 Heavy.


Monster Reborn says hi.


Ill try it with the changes you suggested.

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