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Phantom Dragon: Discussion

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I pulled this card at the sneak preview, then traded it for other stuff...


Then it came back to me from a special edition.


This card is like cancer.


It isn't good, and it won't go away....


At least not for me. XD


I don't understand why it is ultimate rare... And tricky is normal rare. -_-


Meh card is meh...

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A good card. Ruins enemy combos, and the side effect really doesn't matter AT ALL.


Think about it. Your oponnent Special Summons 2 Laquari at the end of their Battle Phase. You can then Special Summon Phantom Dragon. Phantom Dragon will have more ATK than both Laquaris, so you can easily take them out.


How many decks these days DON'T Special Summon? Gadgets. That's all.

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