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DOOM Cards

lord ganon

Which is your Favorite of the Cards?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Which is your Favorite of the Cards?

    • Pain Elemental
    • Archvile
    • Cyberdemon
    • Baron of Hell

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I am making a set of cards based off of the game "DOOM" (and DOOM 2).


Each monster has abilities based off of what the monsters can do in the game (plus a few more for added kicks). Right now I have some monster cards done, and 1 spell that is required for summoning the tougher monsters. A few problems have come to mind however:



1: When the Pain Elemental dies it summons 3 Lost Souls, but in a normal Yugioh Deck you are limited to 3 Cards.


2: The Cyberdemon I built is extremely overpowered (way deadlier than Five-Headed Dragon and Dragon Master Knight)


3:A Few others



Pics of Cards:









I have a few more completed (such as "The Icon of Sin"). Credit goes to DOOM Wad Station for the pictures.

I also forgot to mention that the Cyberdemon and Archvile are both "Limited" because they are so rare in the DOOM series (we are not talking PWADS). The Baron of Hell is limited to 2.

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These cards a kinda blurry' date='and Cyberdemon is overpowered[hr']

and the cards need a background


1: If more people think they should have a BG, I might get one from a DOOM level.


2: The Icon of Sin is very very wide (it is indeed a wall), so it's image is obviously going to have to be made to fit.


3:The Cyberdemon's extra damage is splash damage, and this monster is in reality more than 4 times stronger than the Baron of Hell. It is overpowered in the real DOOM and I think it should stay that way. Besides, it is kind of hard to summon this card (You start with an Imp, use Icon of Sin to get Cacodemon, Icon of Sin to get Baron of Hell, and Icon of Sin to get Cyberdemon).

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