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Skull Servant Deck IRL


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Real Life Deck:


23 Monsters:


3| Skull Servant

3| King of the Skull Servants

3| The Lady in Wight

3| Zombie Master

3| Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter

3| Pyramid Turtle

1| Mezuki

1| Spirit Reaper

1| Morphing Jar

1| Breaker

1| Sangan


11 Spells:


3| Book of Life

2| Card of Safe Return

1| Hand Destruction

1| Allure of Darkness

1| Lightning Vortex

1| Heavy Storm

1| Mystical Space Typhoon

1| Monster Reborn


6 Traps:


3| Bottomless Trap Hole

1| Mirror Force

1| Torrential Tribute

1| Trap Dustshoot


Dream Deck:


24 Monsters:


3| Skull Servant

3| King of the Skull Servants

3| The Lady in Wight

3| Zombie Master

3| Mezuki

2| Goblin Zombie

2| Il Blud

2| Pyramid Turtle

1| Card Trooper

1| Elemental Hero Prisma

1| Spirit Reaper

1| Sangan


13 Spells:


3| Allure of Darkness

3| Book of Life

2| Card of Safe Return

1| Monster Reborn

1| Mystical Space Typhoon

1| Heavy Storm

1| Lightning Vortex

1| Burial From Another Dimension


3 Traps:


2| Bottomless Trap Hole

1| Mirror Force


Extra Deck:


3| Flame Ghost

2| Sanwitch

2| Reaper on the Nightmare


[spoiler=Note:]I created this deck to prepare for CsoC. When it comes out, screw Skull Servant, hello Plaguespreader. Also note that I have very, very, very little money, and most money I saved up is going towards Pokemon Platinum. Also note you should fix the dream deck and not the IRL Deck.




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