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Dino Deck

Dino Lover

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This is my first deck, I'm new to the game.



Monsters: x18


Hydrogeddon x3

Black Veloci x3

Gilasaurus x3

Destroyersaurus x3

Dark Driceratops x2

Ultimate Tyrrano x3

Morphing Jar x1


Spells: x14

Lightning Vortex x3

Monster Reborn x1

Mystical Space Typhoone x1

Heavy Storm x1

Jurassic World x3

Brain Control x1

Big Evolution Pill x2

Hand Destruction x2


Traps: x8

Threatening Roar x2

Bottomless Trap Hole x2

Fossil Excavation x2

Torrential Tribute x1

Mirror Force x1



Please review, rate, and fix.

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