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Offend the Above User (as a Joke!)

Lazer Yoshi

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Guest PikaPerson01

Gravitational mass is identical to inertial mass. That is, the amount of inertia something has and the amount of gravity it has are effectively the same. What's interesting is that there doesn't seem to be any reason this should be true. One could imagine an extremebely large object with lots of resistance to force and no gravity (or vide versa), but this is never observed.

You know what? I'm just gonna skip the rest of the buildup and say it:

Yo mama's fat.

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If Hillary Clinton, Michael Jackson, and Janet Jackson got together and had an illegitimant bastard child, the outcome would grow up to have another illegitimate bastard child with a retarded monkey from the jungles of South brazil. The outcome of this rare retarded South Brazillian monkey, and an inbred human being born to a disfunctional family, would spawn a creature of such morbid grotesque proportions that no man could look unto it with out disgust. This creature would run through the jungles of brazil and be mollested by a pedo-bear.


The outcome of this inbred, illegitimate, bastard, monkey, bear-retard would be you.


I put to much thought and creativity into my insults. :/

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