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Over/Under powered card contest


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If I can still join, I will! ^^

Here's my card (Overpowered):


[spoiler=Effect]As long as this card remains face-up on the field, you don't have to Tribute Summon for level 5 or higher. Additionally, by sending this card and 'Red Storm' to the Graveyard, inflict 1000 points to your opponent for each card in their hand. While this card is in your Graveyard, if you pay 850 points, return this card to your hand. If this card is removed from play, if you Tribute a monster which its Level is 8 or more, return this card to your Deck.



[spoiler=Effect (I think it's readable enough, but... to make it clear)]Activate only when a monster you control is sent to the Graveyard by battle. Destroy the attacking monster, and that monster cannot be Special Summoned from Graveyard. If it's removed from play, it's also cannot be Special Summoned.


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