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Pokemon Garnet Organization!!!


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9:51This is the Pokemon Garnet Organization. Here u may talk about pokemon games, videos, and any thing else related 2 pokemon, but our main focus is my product: Pokemon Garnet( http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-65961.html ). We'll Dicuss episode, pokemon, and character ideas for pokemon garnet. For now I am only allowing 10 members. Each week, if you have contributed an idea, you will receive 10 points. If you have any quetions PM me. (8/1/08 9:52AM) Episode 1 is out! (8/1/08 7:30PM) Member Character Maker: Because of a couple member I have decided to include members in the flash simply go here: http://www.tektek.org/dream/ make character, and posted here with this form,


List of pokemon(6 max/no legendaries):

(9/3/08 9:50PM) weell after thinking about it, I will allow 3 more members to join!! (9/6/08 5:55AM) I've also decided to post Gamekrazzy's episodes on the update page. (9/11/08 12:26AM) Episode 3 is out and also gamekrazzies episode r no longer availiable on this post/thread!(9/15/08 5:17PM) jak199 has contributed his comic stories, awsome!!!

1. Aelsthla-Mental
2. Skuldur
3. Pikachu™
4. Gamskrazzy
5. Jak199
6. pikapi02
7. duelist3897
8. terriq
9. XEVILCl0wnX
10. Zayne13
11. powersyl
12. Mech King™
13. TalonKhan [/spoiler]

Also there are some requirements / rules.[spoiler=]
1. You must be a pokemon fan.
2. You must swear your alligence 2 my company: Dark Delta.
3. You must be a nice person.
4. If you don't have anything good to contribute don't worry about it.
5. You must be an active on YCM.
6. If you don't contribute anything or atleast talk about som'im in under a month your Fired, unless your on vacation or you were sick or som'im(BTW, don't betray my trust).
7. Lastly........... just have fun.[/spoiler]

Pokemon Garnet Episodes[spoiler=]
EP1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5aNO1QpaN8
EP2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XBR8TrEzsc
EP3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tXPlC-5CcA[/spoiler]
Jak199's pokemon comics[spoiler=][IMG]http://i36.tinypic.com/x6ij7.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i36.tinypic.com/30vndrt.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i37.tinypic.com/263v7ls.jpg[/IMG] [/spoiler]
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