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Phoenix Cards! Updated! (2 New Cards Added!)


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Discard Phoenix: When do they discard the card? It's okay, but IDK, it seems kinda overpowered to me... Make it every phoenix LV4 or under and who is not named "Discard Phoenix"


Draw Phoenix: Kinda the same as Discard...


Fusion card: I like this one. It seems like some good support. Do you need to sacrifice the card or not?


Card Phoenix: I really like this one. No fixes, except to maybe increase the ATK bonus by 100 or so...


As for the names, they seem kinda straightforward, not much coolness... If it were me, I'd probably use the names:


Dooming Phoenix of the Enemy

Phoenix of Ascension

Phoenix Modification

Phantom Phoenix


Or something along those lines.

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actually, some cards really do say that, for example, aqua neos, and delinquent duo. select a random means, your opponent shows his hand (well not shows, but u see the back of the cards XD, and pick one to destroy.

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Coalition. Good word. :) I like 'em... Much much better. 9/10


For the first one though' date=' "select a random card"


If it's random, there is no selecting.

If it's selected, it's not random... lol


Which is it then?



Lots of cards actually say that, and it is correct grammar anyways. Randomly select something, like there's face-down cards, and it's random when you select one. Randomly selecting.

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Coalition. Good word. :) I like 'em... Much much better. 9/10


For the first one though' date=' "select a random card"


If it's random, there is no selecting.

If it's selected, it's not random... lol


Which is it then?



Lots of cards actually say that, and it is correct grammar anyways. Randomly select something, like there's face-down cards, and it's random when you select one. Randomly selecting.


Oh yeah... I totally forgot about that... Never mind. You're right... Wow, I can't believe I missed that!

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