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new vehicroids,:P


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i dont exactly how to do this,but im trying.I draw the pics myself,so im trying to draw it,but my scanners not working,here they are,only 4 so far,but im working on more






Patroid + Jetroid

Once per turn,you can look at one of your opponent's set cards,and gains the following effect according to the card type seen until the end of the turn:

Monster: You can destroy an opponent's monster this turn,but this card can't attack this turn

Trap: All traps are negated this turn, nor can be activated.

Spell: This card gains 500 attack,and when this monster battles with a defense position monster,and the attack is higher then its defense, inflict the difference as battle damage.






5 'roid' monsters with different names

This card cannot be special summoned except by fusion summon.Once per turn you can destroy all other cards on the field but roid monsters.If activated, at the end of your turn,all cards you control are destroyed.Once per turn you can summon a vehicroid fusion by removing from play the material monsters from your deck,grave,or hand for the fusion monster selected.The monster is destroyed during your next standyby phase.Once per turn, you can summon a roid monster from your graveyard or hand,but its effect is negated.By tributing a vehicroid, you may destroy a card on the field.Any roid monsters destroyed by this card's effect inflict damage to you equal to half their ATK.By discarding a vehicroid,you can negate any spell,trap, or monster effect activated and destroy it.If this card ever leaves the field, destroy all cards on the field,and both players discard their hand,and are not allowed to draw for 2 turns,but choose one summonable monster from their deck,graveyard, or thats removed from play, and summon it.Their effects are negated.

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