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Dreadmaster lolz sept 1st

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1x E Hero Stratos

3x D Hero Malicious

3x D Hero Plasma

3x D Hero Dreadmaster

3x D Hero Diamond Dude

2x D Hero Dasher

2x Dark Grepher

2x DaD

1x Strike Ninja

1x Prometheus

1x Sangan



3x D Draw

3x Trade-In

3x Allure of Darkness

2x Clock Tower Prison

1x Monster Reborn

1x Heavy Storm

2x The A. Forces

2x Reinforcment of the Army



1x Mirror Force

1x Torrential Tribute

1x CCV


Ive been messin about with a dreadmaster deck for a few weeks now and i think this build is not 2 shabby what do u all think?

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