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Synchro Darkness Deck!! (Constructive Criticism Please)


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I've decided to update my Dark Synchro Deck and change it so see what you think.




Synchro: 8

x3 Thought Ruler Archfiend

x2 Junk Warrior

x2 Colossal Fighter

x1 SDD


Fusion: 2

x2 EvH Malicious Fiend


Monsters: 23

x1 Dark Lucius LV 4

x1 Dark Lucius LV 6

x2 Dark Lucius LV 8

x2 Dark Armed Dragon

x1 Armageddon Knight

x1 Caius the Shadow Monarch

x2 Mystic Tomato

x1 Sangan

x2 Maruding Captian

x2 EvH Malicious Edge

x2 Junk Synchron

x2 Counselor Lily

x2 Krebons

x1 Magna Drago

x1 Dark General Freed


Spells: 14

x2 Dark Calling

x3 Allure of Darkness

x2 Synchro Boost

x1 Synchro Wave Blast

x1 Axe of Dispair

x1 Lightning Vortex

x3 The Warrior Returning Alive

x1 Burial from a Different Dimension

x1 Monster Reborn


Traps: 3

x2 Threatening Roar

x1 Scrap-Iron Scarecrow


A Thank you to everyone who helps with fixes and comments on how to improve the deck.

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