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Detentional youth facility [ pg - 13 ]

Crystal Alien

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OoC: Ok lol you can rp the gaurds only doing like actions to you not like killing people if i have to take a rp into the gaurds hurting some one really bad i will do that. Kyko you must have aids by now lol.


Ryan stays sitting in his cold cell not talking when kyko is right beside his cell. Ryan keeps the cloth around his eyes and just sits there up against the wall.

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OoC: Lol, that really did make me laugh abit. But... you can't just keep stating rape over and over again yah know... plus you put like know rp into but what ever.


Ryan than sat back up from this. Than goes back and sits in the best and lays down like nothing happend. He was rather used to being abused when he was a kid. " So... why you do it. Couldn't give a blind man abreak? " He said to her acting like nothing just happend. He than laughed abit at his comment.

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" Well you have to think you just raped me? So... i guess you like sex alot plus i'm blind. So not really no... but you can sleep in here you know.... Just no raping me when i'm sleeping. " Ryan than grips onto a metal ladder and pulls it down. " Theres the top bunk. " Ryan said befor turning over in the bed.

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"Hey what the heck where those" A Guard said.


"Nothing" Aashar said.


"Hey guys come here" Guard calling other guards.


They Beat Aashar Down to the Floor and Searched his room to find Weapons.


"You think you can get away with this" The guard was yelling at Aashar.


"Yeah" He said Happily.


"You B****" The Guards started Beating up Aashar till he was Knocked out.


"You Ba*****s" Aashar said to the Guards, After that he was Knocked out on the floor.


"Lights Out" The Guard said to Aashar.


They all left the room.


OCC:Thats not Godmoddding if i don't use them.

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