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Yu-Gi-Oh! Revelation



These are dark times for the game of Duel Monsters. Sales are at an all-time low, Industrial Illusions continues to lose sponsors and clients and even the Duel Academy, created by Seto Kaiba, has officially closed down permanently because of the strange occurrences that happened 5 years ago, several students had lost their lives because of some unknown force that continued to wreak havoc on the unsuspecting duelists. Duel Monsters, the game itself, was on the verge of being banned worldwide. Kaibacorp, along with Industrial Illusions and Schroeder Corp talked with the United Nations to convince them that the game wasn’t evil; it was the people who were trying to use the game as an excuse to take over the world. After several months of negotiations, they have reached an agreement to not ban Duel Monsters and to give the game one last chance to prove that it’s not evil. This is where the story begins for a young man named Damon Ripley, who was just about to have a morning that would change his life forever.


Chapter 1: A New Tournament?

It was 7:00 in the morning. Damon woke up just as the sun was rising. He heard a knock on the door and got dressed and hurried to his door and opened it slowly. It was the mailman, delivering the mail on his usual route. “You Damon Ripley?”


Damon nodded and the mailman handed over a big package over to him. The mailman left and Damon closed the door. He then sat down in his TV room and decided to open the package and was surprised to see what was inside. “A duel disk? What the heck is going on here?” Damon then saw a DVD that was placed next to the disk and popped it in. Pegasus’ face appeared on the screen.


“Hello, Damon Ripley. This is Maximillion Pegasus, the creator of the game Duel Monsters. You have been invited to take place in a tournament that Von Schroeder and I are hosting. This tournament will be held on my island at Duelist Kingdom. This tournament will be much more spectacular than the one you heard about nearly 20 years ago. Please do come, you won’t be disappointed.” Damon shrugged and started walking away from the TV. “By the way, I know of your dark history. If you don’t come to the tournament, there will be "consequences". So if you’re smart, you’ll come. Have fun! See you there!”


Damon clenched his fist and started grinding his teeth. “Why that slimy, good-for-nothing fairy…” Damon started putting on his dueling apparel. “When I get my hands on that prepped up girly man, he’ll be sorry he ever #@$% with me!”


A couple days later, Damon arrived on the island, anxious to teach Pegasus a lesson. He saw tens maybe hundreds of other duelists. Suddenly, he heard someone calling out his name. Damon closed his eyes and laughed. “Lenny Baxter, I should’ve known you’d be here.”


“Why, you didn’t think I was good enough?” Lenny was dressed in flaming red and black clothing with a cape and everything. “Any way, I thought you weren’t dueling anymore. You said you quit.”


Damon’s face began to sour. “Let’s just say some prick forced me into it.”


Lenny was rigged with curiosity. “Who?”


Damon let out a sigh and shook his head. “It doesn’t matter. So what brought you to the island? Did you come here to have fun or to chase after some hot duelist babes?”


Lenny let out a laugh and grinned wide. “A little of both, actually… Anyway it’s great that you’re here. I still have to pay you back for the loss I suffered by your hand those couple years back.


Damon smirked. “Like you could...”


"Wait, I have a better idea. Let's buddy up!" Lenny exclaimed.


Damon was puzzled. "Buddy up? What are you talking about?"


“Let’s focus on beating the other duelists first. The longer we go without eliminating each other, the more chance we’ll have of both of us making it to Pegasus’ castle. And we’ll be able to duel each other by bigger proportions.” Lenny folded his arms with a grin. “I’d much rather save you for last so that all the fun in the tournament wouldn’t just vanish after I beat you.”


Damon chuckled. “Hmph…Alright, fine, we’ll buddy up, but only until we reach the castle. Once we reach the castle, it’s every man for himself, my friend.”


Lenny grinned with his teeth with a competitive laugh. “Agreed…But when I received an invitation, it didn't explain any rules."


“Duelists, may I have your attention please!” All the duelists suddenly looked up at Pegasus as he got everyone’s attention.


Damon grew angry in Pegasus’ presence. “Pegasus…”


Pegasus continued to talk. “If you’ll please listen, I will explain the rules of the tournament: Rule #1: Like the amount you’re used to, all duels will start at 4000 Life Points…”


“So far it’s no different from any normal duel.” Damon thought to himself.


“…Rule #2: A duelist will gain entrance into my castle when he or she wins 15 matches. However, if you suffer 3 losses, you get eliminated. Only the first handful of people that achieve 15 wins can enter my castle, the first 8 people to be exact. All the others who can’t make it will be automatically disqualified…”


“Okay, now it’s starting to sound a little interesting.” Damon thought with more interior monologue.


“…Rule #3: This tournament has an ante rule. If a duelist beats another, the winner looks through the loser’s deck and obtains whatever card out of that deck that he or she desires…”


Lenny gulped. “Man…that bites.”


“…Rule #4: This is more of a warning than a rule. There are three equalizers on the island. What the equalizers do is track down the top 3 duelists in the standings and beat them in a duel so that other duelists have a chance at taking the lead. There will be no ante against an equalizer, so you’re cards would be safe on that account. If you beat 2 of the 3 equalizers, you automatically gain entrance into my castle. But be warned, the equalizers are among the absolute best duelists in the world, so be careful…”


Damon scoffed. “You be careful, Pegasus. Because when I get through with you…” Damon said talking to him self while clenching his fist tight.


“…And Rule #5…” As Pegasus said the number to the last rule, Zigfried walked up next to Pegasus and they both had an eager look on their faces. Then they said simultaneously, “…Have fun!” When they finished, fireworks started going off around the island to celebrate the start of the tournament. Then all the duelists ran off into the wilderness, unknowing of what will come at them.


Who will Damon face first? Will it make any difference at all if Lenny is with him? Answers will be revealed in the next chapter: A Royal Pain.


Chapter 2: A Royal Pain

Damon and Lenny were the last to rush into the wilderness with high hopes, a desire to win, and a desire to pound Pegasus into a pulp. They ran for several minutes hoping to find a challenge, but none came, Lenny was bushed. “Hey man, could we just sit and rest for a while?”


“You’re tired already?!” Damon exclaimed.


“I haven’t been keeping in shape these days, man.” Lenny said while panting.


“Ugh, you’re hopeless.” Damon said coldly.


“Yes, throw that cretin to his feet and make him beg for forgiveness!” An unknown voice was heard from afar. But suddenly a robed man came out of the woodwork with a red robe and a black cape. This man had black eyes, a pointy nose and a wide grin on his face.


“Just who the hell are you?” Damon abruptly asked.


“Who am I? Who am I? I am the menacing marauder, the rich raider, the cruel crusader; I am Winston Knightly, the Royal Duelist!"


"More like a 'Royal' pain in the ass." Damon irritatingly barked.


"What? You cretin, how dare you insult my obvious awesomeness?!" Winston yelled.


"That's easy, I just don't give a crap."


"Perhaps you should back that up. A duel I say!"


"Fine! I'll bring you down."


(Both in unison) "Let's Duel!"


Damon: 4000 LP (5 cards)

Winston: 4000 LP (5 cards)


Damon: [draws a card] I'll begin with this, Archfiend Soldier (1900/1500), in Attack Mode! I shall then end my turn by placing two cards face-down.

Winston: [draws a card] I set my monster face-down! And I shall place THREE card face-down! I end.

Damon: Alright, my move! [draws a card] This monster is right up your alley. I summon my Royal Knight in Attack Mode! (1300/800) Now my knight, ATTACK!

Winston: So sad.

Damon: What?

Winston: You rammed your knight into this monster. [Monster flipped up] My Oppressed People! (400/2000)

Damon: Damn!

Winston: Your little stunt cost you dearly.


Damon: (-700) 3300 LP


Damon: Fine then, I shall end my turn.

Winston: I shall sacrifice my Oppressed People to summon Freed, the Matchless General, in Attack Mode! (2300/1700)

Damon: Grrr…

Winston: Freed shall attack your good-for-nothing knight…ATTACK!

Damon: Oh no you don't!

Winston: Say what?

Damon: I activate my face-down card, Rising Energy!

Winston: Oh no!

Damon: Oh yes! I discard 1 card from my hand to increase the ATK of my knight by 1500 points until the end of the turn! (Freed: 2300/ Royal Knight: 2800) Royal Knight, send that so-called matchless general to the graveyard with Celestial Slash! [Freed is destroyed in battle]


Winston: (-500) 3500 LP

Damon: (+1700) 5000 LP


Winston: What the…? Why did your Life Points suddenly increase?

Damon: You can thank my knight for that one; whenever Royal Knight destroys a monster in battle, my Life Points increase by the same amount as the destroyed monster's Defense points.

Winston: Clever.

Damon: Oh yeah, it is. As I recall, it was still your turn.

Winston: Don't act smart with me! Hmph! I shall activate The Warrior Returning Alive, and bring my matchless general back to my hand. I shall end my turn.

Damon: Alright, my move! [draws a card] I shall place one monster face-down. Now, Archfiend Soldier, ATTACK!

Winston: I activate my trap card! A Rival Appears! I pick one monster on your side of the field and Special Summon a monster from my hand that has the same level as the monster I chose, I choose Archfiend Soldier! And now I summon Command Knight in Defense Mode! (1200+400=1600/1900) Nothing happens because your soldier's ATK and my knight's DEF are the same. (Archfiend ATK: 1900/Command DEF: 1900)

Damon: Are you finished yet?

Winston: I was about to ask you that very same question. You're the one that attacked.

Damon: Fine, I equip my Royal Knight with Axe of Despair! It will increase the ATK of my knight by 1000 points. (1300 + 1000 = 2300) Your move, Winston Churchill.

Winston: It's Knightly! Winston Knightly! That's it! [draws a card] I summon the Marauding Captain in Attack Mode! (1200+400=1600/700)

Damon: Why'd your Marauding Captain get stronger?

Winston: Because of my Command Knight's special ability, all Warrior-Type monsters on my side of the field gain a 400 Attack Point boost. And now I use Marauding Captain's special ability to summon Warrior Dai Grepher in Attack Mode as well. (1700+400=2100/1600)

Damon: So what? You're monsters can't touch my Royal Knight.

Winston: Wrong.

Damon: Huh?

Winston: I activate The Allied Forces Spell Card!

Damon: Oh man.

Winston: For each Warrior or Spellcaster-Type monster I have on my side of the field, all of my warriors get a 200 ATK boost. There's 3 Warrior-Types on my field and 200 times 3 is 600. So that means all my monsters get a 600 Attack Point boost.


Warrior Dai Grepher: 2100+600=2700 ATK

Command Knight: 1600+600=2200 ATK

Marauding Captain: 1600+600=2200 ATK


Winston: Now overall, my monsters are stronger than yours!


Royal Knight: 2300 ATK

Archfiend Soldier: 1900 ATK


Damon: Errr…

Winston: Warrior Dai Grepher, attack Royal Knight!

Damon: Sorry to disappoint you. I activate my trap card Shadow Spell! It will bind your monster in chains and reduce its ATK by 700.

Winston: I refuse; activate Seven Tools of the Bandit! I pay 1000 Life Points to negate your trap and destroy it!


Winston: (-1000) 2500 LP


Winston: Small price to pay to end your knight's career. [Royal Knight is destroyed in battle]


Damon: (-400) 4600 LP


Winston: Now, Command Knight! Attack his Archfiend Soldier! (Command: 2200/Archfiend: 1900) [Archfiend Soldier is destroyed in battle]


Damon: (-300) 4300 LP


Winston: Before I attack with my Marauding Captain I activate this, Royal Command! It shall negate all Flip Effects!

Damon: Oh no!

Winston: Marauding Captain, attack his face-down monster now! [face-down Cobra Jar is destroyed in battle]

Damon: My Cobra Jar!

Winston: I now end my turn! You thought you were so tough before. You are now monsterless! Mu ha ha ha ha!

Damon: This ain't over yet! [draws a card] I activate Premature Burial! I pay 800 Life Points to bring back a monster from the Graveyard and summon it to the field!


Damon: (-800) 3500 LP


Damon: I bring back Archfiend Soldier! I now sacrifice my soldier to summon Kaiser Glider in Attack Mode! (2400/2200)

Winston: A dragon.

Damon: Kaiser Glider, attack Marauding Captain! (Kaiser: 2400/Captain: 2200) [Marauding Captain is destroyed in battle]


Winston: (-200) 2300 LP


Winston: No!


Damon: That's not all, you’re A. Forces card weakens your monsters a little bit as well.


Warrior Dai Grepher: 2700-200=2500 ATK

Command Knight: 2200-200=2000 ATK


Damon: I shall end my turn by placing one card face-down. Your move!

Winston: You retch! How dare you destroy my noble captain of my army?! I will destroy you! [draws a card] I summon Gearfried the Iron Knight! (1800+1000=2800/1600) And now that there are 3 warriors on the field again, they go back up by 200!


Dai Grepher: 2500+200=2700 ATK

Command: 2000+200=2200 ATK


Winston: Say good-bye to your dragon! Gearfried, slay the dragon right now!

Damon: Fool.

Winston: Huh?

Damon: I activate my face-down card, Rush Recklessly! It increases the ATK of one monster on the field by 700 for the rest of this turn, and I put it on my Kaiser Glider!

Winston: No!

Damon: (Kaiser: 3100/Gearfried: 2800) Kaiser Glider burn that iron knight to a crisp! [Gearfried is destroyed in battle]


Winston: (-300) 2000 LP


Damon: So much for slaying my dragon.

Winston: Why you…

Damon: Are you finished yet? I'm dying of old age, just like your name.

Winston: RRRAAAAAAHHHH! I place one card face-down and end my turn! My next turn is where you get destroyed!

Damon: [draws a card] I summon Sangan in Defense Mode! (1000/600) And I put one card face-down and end my turn.

Winston: [draws a card and sees what he likes] I summon Queen's Knight in Attack Mode! (1500+1000=2500) And I also activate another Allied Forces Spell Card! My warriors gain another dose of increases.


Dai Grepher: 2500+200+600=3300

Command: 2000+200+600=2800

Queen's Knight: 2500+600=3100


Winston: This time you say good bye to your dragon! But to have fun, I activate this spell card, Royal Offensive!

Damon: What?

Winston: This allows all three of my warriors to attack your dragon at once!

Damon: What the…?!

Winston: Now my army! Slay that good-for-nothing dragon!

Damon: This is where you end!

Winston: What?!

Damon: I activate my final trap card, Reverse Trap!

Winston: No! No!

Damon: It reverses all increases and decreases to ATK and DEF until the end of this turn. Instead of all your monsters getting a total 1600 point boost, they get a 1600 point drain.


Dai Grepher: 1700-1600=100 ATK

Command: 1200-1600=0 ATK

Queen's Knight: 1500-1600=0 ATK


Damon: Now my dragon stands over your pitiful warriors! Kaiser Glider, wipe those warriors out and end this duel! (Kaiser: 2400/Dai Grepher: 100/Command: 0/Queen's Knight/0) [Kaiser Glider decimates Winston's warriors as well as his Life Points]


Final Result

Damon: 3500 LP

Winston: 0 LP


Winston was on his knees, stunned that he lost so badly in the duel. Damon then stood over him with a grin. "Cheer up, Churchill. Everyone meets their better sooner or later." Damon then picked up Winston's deck and looked through it. He picked a card he liked.


Lenny walked up. "So, man, what card did you get?" Damon showed the monster card to him, it was The Fiend Megacyber. "Wow, good monster."


"Thanks, this card will go great in my deck." Damon said to Winston.


"This isn't over, I wish a ton of plagues on you, stranger! I'm off!" Winston covered himself in his cloak and ran off.


Lenny raised his eyebrow. "Man, what a royal weirdo."


Damon folded his arms and closed his eyes. "Hmph. More like a royal pain. Come on; let's see if there are any duelists nearby."


"Yeah!" Lenny replied. And they both walked deeper into the wilderness confident that they could beat whoever got in their way.


With Damon's first victory in the tournament, he now seems more confident and more poised than ever to take down Pegasus. Will he succeed? Will he obtain 15 wins in time, or will he suffer 3 losses and be shipped off the island? And what is Lenny's deck like? More answers will be revealed in the next chapter: Solid as a Rock.

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pretty good but you can't summon monsters in face up def mode you can only set them in F/D DEF mode and you summoned your sangan in faceup def mode



Damon: [draws a card] I summon Sangan in Defense Mode! (1000/600) And I put one card face-down and end my turn.


In real life, yes. But in the show, Face-up Defense is an option. And since this story is set in the same fictional universe, I decided to make that happen.

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That is pretty good. I give it a 9/10.


By the way, as to avoid any more confusion for anyone else, this IS Ryumancer's story after all. If he wants to fudge some of the rules in reality to make some events in a duel plausible, then by all means he can do it. He could even smite someone in it if he wanted; I would. 8)

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