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Divine Contest. Sounds Old? Ehh, Well...........


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Curious what that ment? Well, I'll tell you.


Yes, another contest, and yet another Divine/Godly/Sacred Beast/ect contest, no doubt. Hey, at least this time, you don't have to make a full deck. But you do need to make a 4th set of legendary cards. (Ex:Gods, Wicked, Sacred). You could make a min of 3 to a max of 5 cards.


Or, you can make 3-5 Fusions, using any of the 9 cards stated in parenthesses. Make 2 Fusion Material monsters, make it 3, I don't care, so long as its a good, even card. Now, it can't be overpowered, but it must have reasonable ATK/DEF, and effects similar to the Gods/Beasts/etc, or it can be original, but not overpowered.


You may make both sets if you like, and support cards are welcomed. 200 points will be given for extra credit.


Now I've been nice before and given prizes for 2nd, 3rd, etc. But with these lame excuses for Sacred Beasts/Divine/God contests out and about, I'm getting serious. 3 reps and 400 points to the winner.


Grammar must be perfect, the effects must be typed in an order that makes sense, and you must make at least 3 cards. You may make 1 or 2 cards, but you must have at least 3 to 5 before Friday, or else your entry will not count




So basicaslly, Gods were ment to dominate opponents. Will yours do the same?


This contest won't last long. Until next Friday, 8:00 EST time zone, you'll have as much time to work on your entries.


Edit: This contest won't be like all the others you've seen. Because, I have a new format for this contest. The judging is going to begin soon. Everyday, I'll "eliminate" 1 entry from the contest. That means the first eliminated entry is basically in last place. I'll keep doing this method each day, until one entry remains, that entry being the winner. Before the winner is announced, Honorable Mentions and extra credit points will be given out if need be. ENTRIES MAY BE POSTED WHILE JUDGING HAS ALREADY BEGUN! ENTRIES MAY BE ADDED WHENEVER YOU WANT UNTIL THE FINAL 2 ENTRIES REMAIN! SPOTS WILL BE CLOSED FOR THE ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE WINNER!





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All right, this contest has caught on. Now, I'll extend this contest till this comming Friday. So, everybody has plenty of time to get in their entries.


Edit: Added a very important statement to the first post, following the word "edit". Thos who have entered, or will enter must read the paragraph.

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