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Sub-zero & Scorpion plus more!! Rate/hate/comment...Plz?


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Guest JoshIcy

I lol'd hard... 3/10

Aren't you cool....I'd like to see you make better Mortal kombat cards.


lol yes I am o.O... I saw the 8/10 at the top and just.... yeah.

Enough people were playing nice kitty.

Also, if you like MK so much.. Do tell me how Subzy and Scorps should be level monsters? Scorpion doesn't even upgrade, and all Subzy does is die once become Noob Saibot and his brother takes over....


I fail to see the connection here...

Ooh and I will, but I am busy with my SF set when I make cards. If anything want me to humor you?

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I lol'd hard... 3/10

Aren't you cool....I'd like to see you make better Mortal kombat cards.


lol yes I am o.O... I saw the 8/10 at the top and just.... yeah.

Enough people were playing nice kitty.

Also' date=' if you like MK so much.. Do tell me how Subzy and Scorps should be level monsters? Scorpion doesn't even upgrade, and all Subzy does is die once become Noob Saibot and his brother takes over....


I fail to see the connection here...

Ooh and I will, but I am busy with my SF set when I make cards. If anything want me to humor you?


Okay to start off...I made the Levels of Sub-Zero As from the older games to the newest cause they changed his look completely ect. Scorpion, cause well if I did it with Sub-Zero I have to do the level with Scorpion lol.


In the movie Noob Saibot was the one who died, then his brother the Real Sub-Zero was a good guy in the next movie.


Though you're cool cause you like dogs lol (Dog are Awesome)


PS: Im not like addicted to MK I just like it, I'm more of a gun person. (and Xbox Live)

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