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Will you look at my first card?


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Change it so it's not a Divine Beast, because only pro makers can make successful Divine Beasts...


Is it meant to have an effect? If so, use OCG and try to make it fit in...

Is it a Normal Monster? Take away the effect...


9999 ATK and DEF are fail, sorry, but it's too bad, try to keep it within 0-5000 - if it's meant to be strong attack, keep it at about 4000 or 3000, and give it a summoning condition, or if it's low attack, give it a good effect, and low attack, like Yubel...


Try to keep away from 9, 10, 11, and 12 star monsters if you're a beginner, try to add onto already made cards, etc. etc. Keep it simple.


The picture is better than most people use, try resizing it though...




Overall, I think it's very bad, but pretty good for a first attempt, and you've not gone around crying that you don't know how to post cards, which most people do... I'll give it a 2/10...

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