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<<Ultimate Fighting Clash>> -- Rate Ahead People!


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Fighting Clash

Hello there and welcome, since this will be officially my last set, I have decided to team up with Dark Spine Sonic to create the ultimate fighting set, as such we will be aiming to make one of the largest and sweetest fighting game based sets ever. This set will include cards based on many characters from fighting games we thought were worthy of being in this set, and they are: Guilty Gear, Melty Blood, Arcana Heart, King of Fighters, and Darkstalkers. Both myself and Dark Spine Sonic hope you look forward to what we have to offer, and enjoy reading.[/align]


[spoiler=[size=x-small]Arcana Heart Listing[/size]]UFC-EN001 Heart Aino - Created By Sushi

UFC-EN002 Arcana of Love – Partinias The Pure Lady - Created By Sushi

UFC-EN003 Saki Tsuzura - Created By Dark Spine Sonic

UFC-EN004 Arcana of Lightning – Bhanri The Warrior Queen

UFC-EN005 Kamui Tokinomiya - Created By Dark Spine Sonic

UFC-EN006 Arcana of Time – Anutpada The Ancient Relic - Created By Dark Spine Sonic

UFC-EN007 Lilica Felchenerow

UFC-EN008 Arcana of Wind – Tempestas The Raging Zephyr

UFC-EN009 Maori Kasuga

UFC-EN010 Arcana of Earth – Otsuchi The Eternal Guard

UFC-EN011 Mei-Fang

UFC-EN012 Arcana of Fire – Lang-gong The Wolf Hermit

UFC-EN013 Yoriko Yasuzumi

UFC-EN014 Arcana of Death – Dieu Mort The Cruel Executioner

UFC-EN015 Lieselotte Achenbach

UFC-EN016 Arcana of Shadow – Gier The Overwhelming Darkness

UFC-EN017 Fiona Mayfield

UFC-EN018 Arcana of Metal – Orichalkos The Elder Dragon

UFC-EN019 Kira Daidohji

UFC-EN020 Arcana of Water – Niptra The Primeval Fish

UFC-EN021 Konoha

UFC-EN022 Arcana of Nature – Moriomoto The Green Lord



[spoiler=[size=x-small]King of Fighters Listing[/size]]UFC-EN023 Angel

UFC-EN024 Kyo Kusanagi

UFC-EN025 K'

UFC-EN026 Athena Asamiya

UFC-EN027 Iori Yagami

UFC-EN028 Eiji Kisaragi

UFC-EN029 Malin

UFC-EN030 Kasumi Todoh

UFC-EN031 Duo Lon

UFC-EN032 Elisabeth Blanctorche

UFC-EN033 Benimaru Nikaido

UFC-EN034 Blue Mary

UFC-EN035 Ramon

UFC-EN036 Vanessa

UFC-EN037 Duck King

UFC-EN038 Kim Kaphwan

UFC-EN039 Terry Bogard

UFC-EN040 Maxima

UFC-EN041 Kula Diamond - Created By Sushi

UFC-EN042 Shingo

UFC-EN043 Yabuki

UFC-EN044 Ash Crimson

UFC-EN045 Shen Woo

UFC-EN046 Oswald

UFC-EN047 Ralf Jones

UFC-EN048 Clark Steel

UFC-EN049 Whip

UFC-EN050 King

UFC-EN051 Ryo Sakazaki

UFC-EN052 Yuri Sakazaki

UFC-EN053 Bonne Jenet

UFC-EN054 Tizoc

UFC-EN055 Momoko

UFC-EN056 Sie Kensou

UFC-EN057 Mai Shiranui



[spoiler=[size=x-small]Darkstalkers Listing[/size]]UFC-EN058 Morrigan Aensland

UFC-EN059 Felicia

UFC-EN060 Hsien-Ko

UFC-EN061 Jedah Dohma

UFC-EN062 Lilith

UFC-EN063 Q-Bee

UFC-EN064 Baby Bonnie Hood

UFC-EN065 Jon Talbain



[spoiler=[size=x-small]Melty Blood Listing[/size]]UFC-EN066 Sion Eltnam Atlasia

UFC-EN067 White Len

UFC-EN068 Len

UFC-EN069 Tohno Shiki

UFC-EN070 Nanaya Shiki

UFC-EN071 Tohno Akiha

UFC-EN072 Yumizuka Satsuki



[align=center]The Set Cards


When you activate the effect of a Spell card , place 1 Lightning Counter on this card (max 6). When your opponent activates the effect or a Spell card or Trap Card, remove 1 Lightning Counter from this card to negate the Activation of that Spell card or Trap card.

Credit to http://www.examu.co.jp/arcanaheart2/



When this card inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent's Life Points, place 1 Time Counter on this card (max 6). When this card would destroy a monster by battle, you can remove 1 Time Counter from this card to negate the destruction and inflict the difference between this card's ATK and the attack target's DEF as Battle Damage to your opponent.

Credit to http://www.examu.co.jp/arcanaheart2/



This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Special Summon this card in your Spell Card Zone only if "Kamui Tokinomiya" is on your side of the field and has 3 Time Counters on it. When this card is Special Summoned this card becomes an Equip Spell Card equipped to "Kamui Tokinomiya", also your opponent cannot attack, summon or change battle postions. This cards effect will end at the end of your 3rd End Phase, also you may Special Summon 1 "Kamui Tokinomiya" token in Face-up Attack Position(EARTH/4 Stars/ATK 1400/ DEF 1200). When this cards effect ends, pay 1000 Life Points.

Credit to http://www.atlus.com/arcanaheart/



When this card destroys a monster by battle, you can place 1 Ice Counter on this card (max 3). Once per turn, by removing 3 Ice Counters from this card, you can Special Summon 1 "Ice Token" (Ice-Type/WATER/Level 1/ATK 0/DEF 0) in face-up Defense Position. During the Battle Phase, you can tribute 2 Ice-Type monsters you control to reduce the ATK of 1 monster your opponent controls to 0 until the end of the Damage Step.

Credit to daniel-09 of DeviantArt[/align]

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i researched the characters attaks and info from the official sites and thats how created the effects

and about the counters in the game you need 3 bars(counters) to summon the arcana and other 3 to use as special attacks

about saki i'll edit her tommorow cuz i'm friking tired and my mind is full of ideas so thats why i'm a bit confuzed about my surroundings lol

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