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Some Reptile deck I randomly threw together in 5 minutes

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Deck = 40 cards


Level 7+ = 3


Vennominon x3


Level 4 or less = 16


Alien Shocktrooper x3

Gagagigo x3

Alien Grey x3

Alien Warrior x3

Morphing Jar x1

Serpentine Princess x3


Spells = 8


Brain Control x1

Card Destruction x1

Heavy Storm x1

MR x1

MST x1

Snake Rain x2

Swords of Revealing Light x1


Trap = 13


Crush Card Virus x1

Damage = Reptile x3

DDV x1

Mirror Force x1

Snake Whistle x3

Solemn Judgment x3

Torrential Tribute x1

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