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I wanted to play the hardest fusion monster to special summon

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2 uria lord of searing flame

2 hamon lord of striking thunder

2 raviel lord of phantasms


3 elemental hero prisma

1 sangan

1 marshmallon

1 spirit reaper

2 phantom of chaos



1 card destruction

1 hand destruction

1 reinforcement of the army

1 e emergency call

1 heavy storm

1 giant trunade

1 gold sarcophagus

1 swords of revealing light

1 level limit area-b

3 nightmare steelcage

1 fairy meteor crush

1 arms hole



1 ccv

1 gravity bind

1 wall of revealing light

3 threatning roar

3 solemn judgement

3 dark bribe


extra deck

3 armitael, phantasm of chaos

1 sanwitch

1 reaper on the nightmare


how to win : have enough prisma/poc to sp summon armitael and fairy meteor crush, use storm/trunade (hopefully secure this move with solemns and bribes) then fuse, equip and win.


armitael : http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Armitael%2C_Phantasm_of_Chaos


arms hole : http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Arms_Hole


*for the moment i won't use the anime cards since most of the time my opponents won't let me use them

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Dimension Fusion Destruction???


*search* Holy Sh*t


WTF why wasnt this released with armitael


link to dimension fusion destruction : http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Dimension_Fusion_Destruction


yeah i would play this if i could, but now i really enjoy the pain of playing about 25 turns to get the win condition. (or lose in a few turns LOL)

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My friend came up with an 18 card combo to get this card out.


He was gonna record a completely stacked match where it appears like a normal duel, but Sapph pegasus gets out spells for Hamon, Zoma the Sprit becomes offensive, and other misc fiends become Raviel fodder.


The part that made it worth it is that after he summons it and wins, the other guy starts yelling in Russian and then flips the table.


This deck will top SJC.

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Guest setojim

ok first, dimension fusion destruction is pointless unless ur running DDT w/ it. just run 3 phantoms, 3 dark summoning beasts and just run a huge turbo deck w/ the sacred beasts. Chaos Core and Dark summoning beast. like i said, dimension fusion destruction is pointless unless running DDT. but reasoning and monster gate are at 1, so i think DDT is now pointless.

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ok first' date=' dimension fusion destruction is pointless unless ur running DDT w/ it. just run 3 phantoms, 3 dark summoning beasts and just run a huge turbo deck w/ the sacred beasts. Chaos Core and Dark summoning beast. like i said, dimension fusion destruction is pointless unless running DDT. but reasoning and monster gate are at 1, so i think DDT is now pointless.




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go wit either 2 RotA or 2 E, not one of each since you only have 3 targets, Prisma. while this isnt IRL the opponent wont know you have an E in the deck if you played it first game and play RotA second.

-2 Hand Destruction

-1 Gold Sarc

-1 Bang Shot*


+1 whichever you chose

+1 Card Destruction

+1 Arms hole

+1 Meteor Crush


Opponent MST bang shot on your big guy and hes removed, Fairy wont remove your guy.

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Why would i go with 2 rota if my opponent gets mind crush and crush card virus/trap dustshoot when i have 2 rota in my hand he will be able to mind crush them both while if i have one of each he won't be able to get rid of everything who cares if he knows i play 2 it won't affect his game plan.


I'll do


-1 big bang shot

-1 hand destruction


+1 fairy meteor crush

+1 card destruction


I have enough time for sarc (in fact i have way to much time before i get the combo) it's better than arms hole here.

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