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Cyber End Dragon or Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon

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It never said to list which one of those will impact the game. It's just a General Discussion about which one is better,


If we were to say which of these cards is better as far as the banlists go, BEUD would win because he isn't banned, nor limited or the other one.


On the other hand, if we were to discuss which one is better in General, CED would win because he has an amazing effect, has high ATK and can be targeted by Cybernetic Zone, Power Bond or Limiter Removal.


But I'm not sure if this is to discuss which one is better as far as the bannings go, or both cards in General.



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BEUD is better. Easily Summonable with help from Future Fusion, Dragon's Mirror, Prisma, Light Hex or other Fusion Sustitutes. CED is only worth summoning in the Traditional Format now with Cyber-Stein. It is summonable in Advanced Format but it is no where near worth the effort of doing so. The both have good OTK's in Traditional which are basically variants of each other (Cyber-Stein + BEUD + Megamorph or Cyber-Stein + CED + Megamorph or Limiter Removal). As previously stated, BEUD wins now.

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I must go with BEUD.I mean for a player to summon two proto cybers and one cyber it's going to take forever,and for what?A fusion with 4000 ATK that can do piercing damage?BEUD has higher attack and it's easier to summon.I mean think of this combo,you have two BEUDs in your extra deck,you activate future fusion and send three BEWDs to the graveyard,and then you activate dragon's mirror.You have two 4500 ATK monsters lining up to destroy your opponent!That's why i choose BEUD.

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We're not debating whether or not Cyber End Dragon "pwns" Blue Eyes White Dragon. We're debating which is better out of Cyber End Dragon and Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon.


And, if your comment proved true, a Larva Moth could beat a Blue Eyes White Dragon in any position with out any cards helping it.


So, again. BEUD is better than CED because he is easier to get out, he has Vanilla support(as a Blue Eyes White Dragon), he's stronger, and Blue Eyes White Dragons are not limited.

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