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My destiny hero deck


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Im making one it makes a few months... I just wanted tips and if possible some rates for this deck.


My deck:



Command knight

Zombyra the dark

Spirit Reaper

Mystic Tomato

D.D. Warrior lady

Destiny Hero Dasher

Destiny Hero Doom Lord

Destiny Hero Neo Panther

Destiny Hero Dogma

Destiny Hero Double dude

Destiny Hero Fear Monger x2

Destiny Hero Defender

Destiny Hero Dasher

Exiled force


Hydrogeddon x3

Patrician of Darkness

Gemini Elf



Mystical Space Typhoon

D-Spirit x2

Dark City


Swords of revealing light

Lighting Vortex


Graceful Charity



Draining Shield

D-Chain x3

Destiny signal

Destiny Mirage

Sakuretsu armor

Mirror Force

Magical Cylinder


Any toughts?

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sorry but this is.... how can i say this with out being mean? hmmm. *thinks*


1. Graceful Charity = banned

2. wheres ur d. draws? no D-hero deck is any good with out D. Draw!

3. Hydrogeddon x3? idk about all that, but E-hero Stratous (or how ever u spell it) i think would be better!

4. Patrician of Darkness!? come on man dont use him

5. Gemini Elf, NO!

6. Misfortune take it out


can anyone else help me fix this? XD

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-clock tower prison is a neccesary for any d-hero deck.

-take out zombrya and add plasma as soon as you can.

-try a d-shield or two, they come in handy.

-add anothe destiny signal, run a total of 3 defenders, they help drain your oppenents deck with sweet def. to boot.

-as soon as clock tower is in, add eternal dread and d-counter.

-why on earth is their 3 hrydrogeddons in their?

-put in diamond dude- x2

"neo panther"? *confused*


run atleast 2 of every non-tribute d-hero, 2 dogma, dreadmaster, 3 dasher and 1 stratos.

don't forget about their supports either.

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What is a neo panther?


You need to get rid of your banned cards and not use cards that don't fit the theme...


You need malicious'... You need real help with this deck. Try changing it to DDT or Circle... Maybe THero.


I think he means Neo Spacian Dark Panther


And I'd probably say the same thing as everybody else did in this thread

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First of all' date=' You put Dasher twice...

And WTF is with Neo panther...Is that even a D-Hero???

Include Plasma too since it's coming in a tin (DO NOT USE BLOO-D TO SAY IT) seriously people are saying the japanese names when they ARE AVAILABLE IN ENGLISH!!! Gosh that annoys me!


They do it because it's Bloo-d in WC07 and it sounds better than plasma.

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Defender is an awful card. Why let your opponent draw cards even if you will use it for tributing you cant have that risk. What if you dont draw tributes for two or three turns, thats 4-6 cards that your opponent has drawn. Consequently he/her gets hand advantage and all you have is a monster protecting your life points. By the time he/her has drawn all those cards he/her will have enough cards to destroy defender and take a chunk out of your life points. I mean if someone was using it against me then I would just leave it on the field for as long as possible. Like I say its not doing me any harm, im just drawing cards. What I am trying to say is that defender is an awful card.

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