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Updated (Current record, Undefeated) for SJC Baltimore

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As you all know by biggest worries in SJC was mirror matches. I don't know why it took me so long to realize this, but GB cant beat 1900+ from the gate. Alot of people are like, duh, and i was too. So I fixed my deck to be very fast, and very power heavy. Explanations for my madness will follow after deck.


Monsters: 23


1x Stratos

2x Prisma

2x Test Tiger

2x D.D. Crow

3x Bestiari

1x Darius

2x laquari

3x Andal

1x murmilo

1x equeste

2x giant rat

1x mole

2x Injection Fairy lily


Spells: 10


1x vortex

1x heavy storm

1x rota

2x book of moon

2x proving ground

1x monster reborn

1x mystical

1x smashing ground


Traps: 10


3x Solemn

2x Chariot

2x Dust tornado

1x mirror force

2x threatening roar



Extra: 10

3x Gyz

1x Heri

2x Stardust

3x Reaper on the nightmare

1x Grand neos


Side: (Incomplete)

3x Grandmaster of S.S.

2x Spirit of S.S.

2x Zanji

1x Irou

1x Yaichi

1x Kamon

1x Rota

1x Prime Material Dragon

2x S.S.U.


[spoiler=My thoughts]Okay Andal is a 1900 GB Power house who serves 2 purpose. Anti Glad, and Anti Oppression. Oppression cant beat this 1900 beat stick, its almost impossible. They will have to waste shrinks, spells and traps, and other thinsg that basicaly lead to my advantage. Glad beast right from the door can stop 1900 either. My only problem will be attacking a face down Hoplumous, and im not to worried about that. Andal also keeps me with GB on the field. Combined with mole, i have a pretty good opening advantage. Since Andal keeps a gb on the field, it virtually allows me to contact as often as i like.


Rat is basically self explanatory, it is non oppressionable, and searches for mole, test tiger, and lily. In my last couple of play test i find that people avoided contact with rat simply because of the fear of mole and lily. Both are a fearsome.


Lily is a beast of her own, main decked lily allows me to get rid of pesky punks like Heri and Stardust. it is both unaffected by both Gravity bind and Level limit, and easily searched. Open turn, it causes people to set, which gives me more of an advantage if im lucky enough to have Prisma and test tiger in my opening hand as well. That could potentially be an opening attack of 5800. Not bad for only 2000 lp and a test tiger.


Side deck. Mainly anti oppression, pacman, and syncro. Oppression can not beat Grand master, simply put. Grandmaster plays major importance simply because every thing is blown up by effect in all three of these cases. It also gives me a slight draw engine, not much, but enough to play around.



I have play tested this deck against...


Dad 2-0 Sweep

Syncro 2-1 (had to side, and used my own stardust. ^_^)

Oppresion 2-1 (side)

GB 2-0

Zombies 2-1

Monarch 2-0

Pacman 2-1 (had to side)

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okay if you trust me you will use this build


2 hoplomos

2 darius

2 laquari

2 beastari

2 equsine

1 murmillo

1 secutor

3 test tiger

2 prisma

1 stratos

1 sangan

1 morphing jar


2 gladiators proving ground

2 rota

1 monster reborn

2 book of moon

1 heavy storm

3 shrink


1 torrential tribute

3 waboku

3 soulems

3 chariot


btw shrink is MUCH better thn book of moon no matter what people say


btw this list assuming tht it will be after sep 1st


also you can replace books with cold wave if you like

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@ Toni: I always liked your build, its just that the main deck IMO (and just by reading) Would loose the first round to Mirror match. I.E. Hoplumos at 2 and secutor. And each round after that would be an up hill battle. I can not find a 3rd Tiger to save my life either. I will however give your spells and traps a try, they seem solid.


@ Crab: Im glad you saw it.

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Add a third tiger for insta gyzarus ^^ and I'm sure you know but definetley don't drop the moons, great when you have hop attacking and in a slew of other situations. Drop the roars for econ, as they can prevent the attacks and if you need to, grab your opponents monsters for fusions. I like the selection, but you'd have to always have a bestari/gyzarus on the field against GB and having it main decked might cost you a few games or matches before you reach the bulk of good players. Just my thoughts, obviously the decks solid change it to your playing style and good luck!

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