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New<Pokemon Card> (Holoed)

Silent Hunter™

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[align=center]I've made a new contest in Pikachu's™ Contest, the Non-Member one

I've chosen Raikou as a pokemon so here it is and BTW, i won 1st place ^_^[/align]


[align=center]Raikou, Lord of Thunder


This card cannot be Special Summoned from the Graveyard. This card can only be Advanced Summoned by Releasing 1 Thunder-Type monster you control and removing 2 Thunder-Type monsters in your Graveyard from play. Once per turn, during your Main Phase, you can Release 1 Level 4 or lower Thunder-Type monster you control to Special Summon 1 Level 3 or lower Thunder-Type monster from your Graveyard. The Special Summoned monster gains the effect of the Released monster. When this card is destroyed, discard 2 card and your opponent draws 1 card. Reveal that card, and based on its type apply the proper effect:

Monster - Increase the ATK of all Thunder-Type monsters you control by 400 until the End Phase of your next turn.

Spell - All Thunder-Type monsters you control are unaffected by Spell Cards until the End Phase of your next turn.

Trap - All Thunder-Type monsters you control you control is unaffected by Trap Cards until the End Phase of your next turn.

After activating the effect of this card, Special Summon 1 Level 3 or lower Thunder-Type from your hand.


Support Card, Spell Card:


[align=center]Raikou‘s Fury - Thunder Roar


This card can only be activated when a "Raikou, Lord of Thunder" is targeted by a Spell or Trap Card, negate it's effect and destroy the card. After negating an effect of a Spell or Trap Card, this card is treated as an Equip Spell Card and is equipped to a "Raikou, Lord of Thunder" you control. When the equipped monster is targeted by a Trap Card, negate it's effect and return it to it's owners hand. Everytime a Trap Card is returned to it's owners hand by the effect of this card, decrease the equipped monsters ATK by 200 and place 1 Thunder Roar Counter on this card. When this card has exactly 3 Thunder Roar Counters, destroy this card and all Thunder-Type monsters you control except "Raikou, Lord of Thunder", and Special Summon 1 "Baby Raikou Token" (Thunder-Type/LIGHT/Level 2/ATK 0/DEF 500) in Defense Position. The "Baby Raikou Tokens" cannot be used as a Tribute for a Tribute Summon (or Set). When the "Baby Raikou Token" is destroyed by battle, destroy all face-down Spell and Trap Cards on your opponent’s side of the field.


heard you need Disclaimer, so i'll just put

Disclaimer: I do not own the artwork of my card

Expert OCG was used (got it from Dj's Thread) like Release means Tribute, Advance Summon means Tribute Summon. Just so if you forget

BTW 1st card holoed by Spire™ 2nd card holoed by me

Hope You Like Them Both

:D :lol: :mrgreen: ^_^ XD :) :))

~ Silent Hunter™

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-The pics are great, well done.

-You OCG is perfect, I can't spot any errors.

-The effect is interesting, which is good as I hate boring effects, do good job with that.


Spire's Rating: 10/10.


It's been a while since a gave a 10/10 rating.


Good cards!

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Wow. Really complex effects. Saw no ocg errors' date=' great pics, good holo: Excellent cards. 9.85/10


Thanks man ^_^


writeig is to small

umm.... i think this is spam' date=' don't do it again. This is a warning


Awesome cards 9/10....

Thanks Dude, appreciate it :D

-The pics are great' date=' well done.

-You OCG is perfect, I can't spot any errors.

-The effect is interesting, which is good as I hate boring effects, do good job with that.


Spire's Rating: 10/10.


It's been a while since a gave a 10/10 rating.


Good cards!



Thanks for the 10 Spire, and thanks for the holo of the 1st card ^_^


writeig is to small


its below the card dude.


i give you 9/10

I warned him. BTW, thanks for the 9 ^_^

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wow really they are complex 9/10

Thanks Dude ^_^




Nice pics' date=' no OCG errors (How would I know, though? I don't even play Yu-Gi-Oh... -_-), Nice effects.


Thanks, appreciate it ^_^


Wow' date=' just wow.




Thanks your 10 XD

you' date=' my friend, won because of the effects

now give yourself a clap *claps*


p.s you beat J-Max and Hunter!


Thanks Friend ^_^

I know, i got shocked when i beat Hunter and J-Max ^_^


Some effects are sort of random but most fit. You made only one OCG with Raikou' date=' you said discard two card instead of cards. Nice.




Well.... yes its kinda an error but im too lazy to fix it but thanks ^_^

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This card cannot be Special Summoned from the Graveyard. This card can only be Advanced Summoned by Releasing 1 Thunder-Type monster you control and by removing 2 Thunder-Type monsters in your Graveyard from play. Once per turn, during your Main Phase, you can Release 1 Level 4 or lower Thunder-Type monster you control to Special Summon 1 Level 3 or lower Thunder-Type monster from your Graveyard. The Special Summoned monster gains the effect of the Released monster. When this card is destroyed, discard 2 cards and your opponent draws 1 card. Reveal that card, and based on its type apply the proper effect:

Monster - Increase the ATK of all Thunder-Type monsters you control by 400 until the End Phase of your next turn.

Spell - All Thunder-Type monsters you control are unaffected by Spell Cards until the End Phase of your next turn.

Trap - All Thunder-Type monsters you control you control is unaffected by Trap Cards until the End Phase of your next turn.

After activating the effect of this card, Special Summon 1 Level 3 or lower Thunder-Type from your hand.


Its okay, thought I found some errors marked that way.


This card can only be activated when a "Raikou, Lord of Thunder" is targeted by a Spell or Trap Card, negate it's effect and destroy the card. After negating an effect of a Spell or Trap Card, this card is treated as an Equip Spell Card and is equipped to a "Raikou, Lord of Thunder" you control. When the equipped monster is targeted by a Trap Card, negate it's effect and return it to it's owners hand. Each time a Trap Card is returned to it's owners hand by the effect of this card, decrease the equipped monsters ATK by 200 and place 1 Thunder Roar Counter on this card. When this card has exactly 3 Thunder Roar Counters, destroy this card and all Thunder-Type monsters you control except "Raikou, Lord of Thunder", and Special Summon 1 "Baby Raikou Token" (Thunder-Type/LIGHT/Level 2/ATK 0/DEF 500) in Defense Position. The "Baby Raikou Tokens" cannot be used as a Tribute for a Tribute Summon (or Set). When the "Baby Raikou Token" is destroyed by battle, destroy all face-down Spell and Trap Cards on your opponent’s side of the field.


Again, errors marked this way.


Good cards Silent, my young one. 9/10

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