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My Elemental Hero Deck!!!


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Normal Monsters

2x Elemental Hero Avian

2x Elemental Hero Burstinarix

2x Elemental Hero Clayman

2x Elemental Hero Sparkman

Elemental Hero Neos

Effect Monsters - Heroes

2x Elemental Hero Bubbleman

Elemental Hero Voltic (for real)

Elemental Hero Lady Heat (true)

Elemental Hero Ocean

2x Elemental Hero Wildheart

Elemental Hero Necroshade

Elemental Hero Prisma

Elemental Hero Stratos

Elemental Hero Neos Alius

Elemental Hero Caption Gold

2x Elemental Hero Bladedge


Effect Monsters

Winged Kuriboh

King of the Swamp




Spell Cards

3x Polymerization

2x Miracle Fusion

Future Fusion


Mage Power

Monster Reborn

Fifth Hope

Heavy Storm

Mystical Space Typhoon

E - Emergency Call

Hero Mask


Trap Cards

2x Hero Signal

Hero Counterattack

Negate Attack

Threatening Roar

Magic Cylinder

Mirror Gate

Trap Hole

Bottomless Trap Hole

Sakuretsu Armor

Seven Tools of the Bandit

Magic Jammer


Fusion Monsters

Rainbow Neos (Can't use)

Elemental Hero Electrum

Elemental Hero Tempest

2x Elemental Hero Wildedge

Elemental Hero Plasma Vice

Elemental Hero Shining Flare Wingman

Elemental Hero Shining Phoenix Enforcer

Elemental Hero Terra Firma

Elemental Hero Thunder Giant

Elemental Hero Flame Wingman

Elemental Hero Phoenix Enforcer

Elemental Hero Rampart Blaster

Elemental Hero Mudballman

Elemental Hero Wild Wingman

2x Elemental Hero Necroid Shaman

Elemental Hero Steam Healer

Elemental Hero Mariner


Please comment and hope to be good.

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This isn't a deck; it's a list of E-Hero's and their support cards.


I'd have thought that the 15-card Extra Deck limit would have gotten the E-Hero deckbuilders to figure out that throwing every E-Hero in the game together with a couple Polymerizations isn't going to work, but no sensibility is advanced enough to handle sufficiently advanced insensibility.


Oh, wait, you ignored that inconvenient Extra Deck size rule.



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