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Shikoto Academy -


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As Rokujo still runs from Ikora, he takes different paths to run, but she is gaining on him, but this time, with a broom. "GET BACK HERE ROKUJO!!!" yelled Ikora in the school building, "What do you want?!?!" cried Rokujo, "To train." said Ikora with a simple reply, "Eh..WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!" Then Rokujo just crashed into a wall, "Ow, anyway, if you wanted to train, you could've just said so." sighed Rokujo, "Hmph." Ikora then helped up Rokujo, the walked out of the building.

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OoC: Since when was it night? And it doesn't look that much edited to me. Oh well.


Rokujo and Ikora walk to an open space, and start practicing. "I'm not gonna go easy on you just because your my Girlfriend." laughed Rokujo as Ikora began to say, "Heh, I don't care, cause I will show you that I can be strong too." The Rokujo stuck his right hand out, and began chanting, "私のもののこの手は暗さを通して泣いています! 憎しみで私にあなたの心を汚すように話します! ここで私は来ます! 暗さの手!*" roared Rokujo, and then, Ikora began chanting something similar to what he said, saying, "私のもののこの手は軽さ〔明るさ〕を通して泣いています! 愛で私にあなたの心を洗浄するように話します! ここで私は来ます! 軽さ〔明るさ〕の手!**" Soon, both of their hands were surronded by a glow, depending on the incantation they said.


*What Rokujo said was this: This hand of mine is crying through Darkness! It's Hate tells me to Taint your heart! Here I come! Hand of Darkness!


**What Ikora said was this:This hand of mine is crying throughLightness! It's Love tells me to Cleanse your heart! Here I come! Hand of Lightness!

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Rokujo's hand was surronded by a Dark Flame, while Ikora's hand was Surronded by a white Flame. "Heh, you've improved Ikora." said Rokujo with a grin. "You too Rokujo." replied Ikora. "Haaaa!!!!" roared Rokujo, but then he stopped. Suddenly, the Dark Flame around him was gone, and heh held his hand up to his mouth, and coughed up blood, and a lot of it. "COUGH COUGH!!! HACK!!" Rokujo coughed up so much blood that he fainted at that moment. "R-R-Rokujo!!" cried Ikora, as she ran to Rokujo.

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Kyko Struggles to Talk


Kyko: Darn... Seal... is... Breaking... I... *Gasps*... gave... you... Some of... My Energy... But Due... to... that Fight.... The Seal... Breaks... and... My True... Form... Comes Free... *Gasps*


Rokujo was Healed all the Way and None of His powers were taken, But a Dragon's Roar was Heard out of Nowhere

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"Ikora, get away from here, this might get dangerous." commanded Rokujo. "Right." Ikora began backing up a bit. Rokujo then began chanting, "おお 神 ここで喜ばせる 私の叫び声! このものの本当の形式〔用紙〕を私が彼女の中の悪魔のための余地に免れさせる今彼女がであって形式〔用紙〕に変えてください! この船の中の悪魔、あなたの体のために船としての私の体を取ってください!*" roared Rokujo.


*What Rokujo said was this:

Oh God, please here my cry! Turn this one's True Form into the form she is now, and I shall spare room for the Demon inside of her! Demon inside of this Vessel, please take my body as a Vessel for your Body!

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OoC: The Dragon Spirit inside Kyko is Bound to a Seal Directly in the Soul, If it Gets free, She cannot do Much before turning into The Dragon, Since The ENTIRE Dragon is Sealed in the Soul, You cannot Even Have a Part of it without Killing Kyko


Ryko: No! You are going to Make things Worse! Stop! Before-


Before Ryko Could Finish the Sentence, Kyko Turns Into a White Dragon


Ryko: See What you Have Done!?


The White Dragon Prepares to Fire a Thunderball at Rokujo

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"私のもののこの手は暗さを通して泣いています! 憎しみで私にあなたの心を汚すように話します! ここで私は来ます! 暗さの手!*" Chanted Rokujo, as he tried to absorb the Thunderball.


*What Rokujo said was this: This hand of mine is crying through Darkness! It's Hate tells me to Taint your heart! Here I come! Hand of Darkness!

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