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OoC: This is the note:


My fellow friends,


I, Rokujo Mokuro, am leaving this place for a while. I need some peace and quite for myself, and need to be away from society for a bit. I understand if you will hate for this, but I will return.



Rokujo Mokuro[/align]



Rokujo went to the forest, and stopped in the middle of it. Then sun was shining where he was, so he though he could rest, and let his clothes dry up.

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OoC: DKR, Zindo AerosStrafes are not dodgeable. They always hit. plus, Zima has completely accurate shots.


Zima: Hmmpphh.. Kyko, you're annoying. Next time, I won't show mercy. Don't try and attack me again.

Zima went into her dorm.


*Night at Merik's dorm*


Merik: Hey, Naomi, you coming to bet yet?

Naomi: In a sec.

Merik: Ok


Naomi entered the room with only her panties on.(Smexy- See Naomi's Pic)

Naomi: Whatd'ya think?

Merik: Very Smexy.


Naomi Lyed down.

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OoC: You don't have too.. I was just saying that Naomi is Smexy!!




Merik Yawned and leaned up.


Merik: Sigh.. It's way to damn early.. Hey, Naomi, time to wake up.

Merik shook Naomi a little, then kissed her softly.

Naomi: Mmm.. A few more minutes..

Merik: Come on, we got training.

Naomi: Okay..

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OoC: 3 Years have past. Everyone has changed, and a new season has started. Also, check the Chars. I have added new ones, AND updated them completely.


Naomi slowly got up, and put her bra on.

Naomi: What Time is it, Merik?

Merik: 11:00 A.M.

Naomi: Damn, we really overslept.

Merik: It doesn't matter.

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OoC: Cody Has been posted.


Naomi: Let's train.

Merik: Right.


Merik and Naomi sparred for hours, and by the end, Naomi was knocked out from the intense training. Merik took her back to his dorm.


Naomi woke up.

Naomi: I'm gonna take a shower.... Wanna join?

Merik: Sure.


*Later that evening*


Kiza was out by the lake, training.

Kiza: Zindo - Kima - Aero Pulse

Kiza knocked the water out of the lake.

Kiza: Zindo - Kima - Aero Pulse.. REVERSE!!

Kiza's reverse then placed the water back into the lake.

Kiza: Huff..Huff..

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Merik dried off, put on new clothes, and shot out of his dorm.

Merik: Emi, why do you insist of practicing the Zindo moves so much?

Emi: Don't know..I just like them.


Everyone thought that Emi was Merik's new GF.

Gama: Hey, Naomi, looks like you've been dumped!

Naomi: That's Merik's sister, DUMBASSES!!


Emi walked off and started practicing again.

Emi: Zindo Reverse


Emi reversed her Zindo moves, and it became cold again, along with a snowstorm.

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Rokujo was in complete solitude, no distractions, no interuptions. He was in the forest to look for a temple that a "Forsaken" place. Rokujo got up, and headed for the temple. When he got there, he felt a pulse of Energy inside of him, but continued, and entered the temple. Afterwards, everybody soon sense Rokujo's Energy was gone, well, not completely gone, but more, spreadout than the normal Energy waves. In fact, these Energy waves were so intense, that all the animals in the forest fled.

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OoC: They are not "Bursts" They are AeroStrafes, which are my creations. They completely go everywhere, but only hit the designated target.


Merik: I sense that Rokujo's presence has weakened..

Emi: What could that mean?..


OoC @ Cody: Yeah.. I will.

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