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Shikoto Academy -


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OoC: It was summer. Just pretend.


*3 Years Later*


Naomi Returned to Shikoto Academy after a long summer.

Naomi: I wonder where Merik is..


Izumi shortly after Naomi had gone to her dorm.

Izumi: It's good to be back!!


*In Naomi's Dorm*


Naomi opened her door and found a bottle of sake with a sign on it, placed on her bed.

The sign read:

"Hope you enjoy this." Love, Merik.


Naomi: He must have left this before he left.


All of a sudden, a black mist appeared, and a beautiful pink haired girl flew out of the shroud.

???: I am Zima, Naomi and Izumi Shibotakaiah's older sister.


[spoiler=Naomi at 22 years old]Naomi.png


[spoiler=Izumi at 21 years old]Ecchi.jpg


[spoiler=Zima's Appearance]ecchi_2471.jpg

OoC.2: I will be updating my NPC's AND Merik's profiles.

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Then, Rokujo went to the school, still feeling woozy after the incident he had his soul inserted. When he walked towards the school, he went to his Dorm, and saw that a door was open with 3 girls in it. Two of them he could slightly tell that the one to the left was Naomi, the one to the right was Izumi, but the one in the center, he didn't know.

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Zima heard Rokujo, and shot forward, then kicked him.

Zima: Who are you?!?

A few minutes later, a green haired girl walked up to the school. The 3 Shibotakaiah sisters sensed that it was their older sister, Imora.

Imora: It looks like My three siblings are here. I didn't think Zima would ever bo back to fighting.



[spoiler=OoC: Imora's appearance]8965.jpg


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Rokujo didn't budge by the kick. From all the fighting he did 3 years ago, this was practically nothing compared. Rokujo then saw the green haired girl come. Rokujo then sighed, and continued walking. Then Ikora came through the door, and said, "You have to excuse him, he's trying to endure so many hardships that he faced recently. First, there was an incident 3 years ago, that I don't even want to talk about. Then, well, it's better if he tells it, I don't want to tell things behind his back."

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Another girl walked up to the school.. But she wasn't a Shibotakaiah... SHE WAS A HIHGAHSOUH!

Dean: And You Are??...

???: I am Emi Hihgahsouh.. Merik's twin sister.

Dean: T..tw.. twin!?!?!?!

Emi: Yes.


Emi kept on walking.


[spoiler=Emi's Appearance]ecchiEmina.jpg



Emi walked up to the dorms, but a group of guy surrounded her.

???: Hey, babe, why don't you come back to my place. We can have a little fun.

Emi: Go suck your dad's dick, perv.

Emi kicked him back so far that he landed into the mountains.

The guys started to back up a little, and they let her through.

Kiza: E..Emi??

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Ikora wondered what happened when she heard the crash, then looked out the window, and saw a guy kiced into the mountains by Emi.




Rokujo walked to his room, opened it, and crashed into the bed. He was so exausted, even though he didn't walk much distance, but because of his current condition.

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All of a sudden, there was another big crash, and it was Gima, a guy who tried to strip Naomi. She waited a few seconds, and Merik had shot out of nowhere, and hit him. He had been shot through the mountians by Merik's finger.

Merik: You alright?

Naomi: Yeah, I was just waiting for you.

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Zima opened Rokujo's door, because she had heard him, picked him up, and took him to the College doctor.

Zima: Doc, I heard him fall on the floor, and I opened the door. He had fainted.

Doc: Okay, thanks for bringing him over to me. If he has a GF, or anything, send them over.

Zima: Okay.


Zima: Merik!

Merik: Zima? What are you doing here?

Zima: I'm going to school here, but nevermind that. Does this.. Rokujo guy have a GF?

Merik: Yeah, Ikora.

Zima: Thnx


Zima shot off, got Ikora, and told her to go to Doc.

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OoC: You should probably tell that he's a bit heavy, because since he is unconcious, he has no control over his weight, well, something like that, he can't help Zima carry him.



Rokujo layed on the bed, unconcious and knocked-out, he couldn't even move. He barely breathed. Then, Ikora came in. But, then, Ikora froze, it was the same doctor that kidnapped her while Rokujo was in serious condition. All Ikora could do is stand there, she couldn't cream or anything. The Doctor closed the door, and said, "Well, well, well, if it isn't Ikora, Rokujo's Girlfriend. Well, guess what, poor Rokujo can't do anything." The Doctor said as he picked up a Medical Knife, and was in position to stab him. Ikora could barely talk, but made a faint whisper, saying, "R-Rokujo, please, wake up." The Doctor wondered what she said, so he said, "Huh? I can't hear you. Speak up!" Then the Doctor dashed towards Ikora, and she yelled, "ROKUJO! WAKE UP DAMN IT!"

Then, Rokujo woke up at that instant, and dashed infront of the doctor, grabbed him by the collar with his right hand, then hand that was cursed by the "Hand of Pure Darkness", and threw him into the door, and the wall behind it.

Rokujo walked out of the room, and picked up the Doctor by the throat and said, "If I find you harrasing Ikora, I will not hesitate to... Kill You." Rokujo began to choke the Doctor even harder.

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Merik busted the door down.

Merik: YOU!! Zima doesn't know who you are.

Merik shot at Doc, and grabbed him, then slammed him against the wall.

Merik: Did you honestly think that I would let you get away with this? When I heard Zima tell me about "Doc", I knew who it was. IT'S OVER!

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"May you die with the rest of the sinners." Rokujo said coldly, and threw him out of the window, did a Death's Barrage. Rokujo kicked the back of the Doctor 666 times, adn then kicked the Doctor in the chest 13, however, on the 13th kick, Rokujo landed it as soon as the Doctor touched the ground, leaving the Doctor crushed, and possibly dead, and a crater that took shape of a Skull.

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Imora walked in.

Imora: What a pitiful doctor. He's at a fighter's college, yet can't even defend himself.

Imora bent down to him.

Imora: How does it feel to lose? To be the one that's almost dead and Now lying there, lifeless?

Imora kicked him.

Imora: Tell the dean that a new doc is needed, cuz you put this one out of order.


OoC: Just so yall know, Imora is Bisexual, and a bit like Ryofu Housen of Ikki Tousen.

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