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OoC: Try asking Ryko about something to try and defeat The Sealed Fatalis with? Either Ryko and EDC or the Divine Slasher is the only things that can stop him, but i'll think of more, also White Fatalis Scales are Extremely hard, and few things can cut through it


Fatako Roars Loudly, Red Thunderbolts randomly hit the Dimension




Ryko: What the!?


Ryko Starts Roaring and he starts Growing Red Scales on his body

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OoC: Read this:


OoC: OH MY GOSH!!! I started the whole Light and Darkness thing in one person' date=' and pretty much you guys are copying me well, almost all of you.


"Devil Aashar, you cannot destroy the world, for you are forsaken. And so are you, Kyko's Evil form. You shall go to the Demension of Light and Dark, and stay there forever starting...NOW!!!" Forsaken shouted as the circle dissappeared, creating a blinding light of Light and Dark, banashing both Devil Aashar and Kyko's Evilness. After the light, only Aashar and Kyko were left. The Evil and Darkness corupted by the Evil has been taken, and placed into Forsakens heart. Then, Forsaken's mind, body, and soul were being seperated. The body stayed, frozen and turning into Platnium and Daimonds. His mind went somewhere else. But his Soul stayed, he then said, "Aashar and Kyko, your hearts are now cleansed from the Evil and Dark inside your heart, and now, this world is safe. And so, I may be going to the Demension of Light and Dark, with Aashar's Devil, and Kyko's Evilness. But as you know, there is a price I must pay. Farewell, forever." He then began to disappear, but before he dissappeared completely, he went to Ikora, who was crying. "Ikora, there is no reason to cry. This is fate, it is ment to happen." Forsaken said, as he wiped a tear from Ikora's eye. "But Ro- Forsaken.." Ikora began. "You can call me Rokujo if you want. But, I must leave now." Forsaken went to to the Pillar of the Forsakens, with Devil Aashar and Kyko's Evilness, then Forsaken turned to everybody and bowed. "Farewell everybody, for I must take my leave. Make sure that my body is being taken care of." He laughed. Then, the Pillar of the Forsakens, Devil Aashar, Kyko's Evilness, and Forsaken, began to dissappear. They went to the Demension of Light and Dark. "R-Rokujo!!" Ikora cried, but she was to late. She then began to cry horribly.



OoC: Got it?

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OoC: Fatako IS Kyko when She is Tapping the Fatalis's Power, Also as i said before, Her Evil or the White Fatalis is Seal in her Soul, you banish it, you basically banished her, Ryko is the Leader of the EDC, He will also not allow Kyko to get Banished, and i already read that, When Fatako or White Fatalis Roars, It is able to Rip a Hole in the Sky Causing red Thunderbolts to Shoot out of it, if 8 collide together, it Creates a Portal that only the either White Fatalis or Fatako can go through


some of Ryko's Scales falls off, about 4, then Ryko turns back to normal


Ryko: Woah! that was odd




Fatako Roars again, Causing more red thunderbolts to randomly hit inside the Dimension

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OoC: Ryan, did you change Fatako? If not, then you are banned until I have proof that Fatako can be defeated.

Your godmoddings:

Fatako was not hurt at all by Merik OR Kiza when both were at their most powerful forms.

Fatako Dodges or has a resistance to everything that we post because you read the posts, then you post how Fatako has a resistance to what we say.

There is more, but these were the MAIN things that I noticed.


I thought that I wouldn't have to do this, but...


1. Duelist_King_Ryan(Temporary.. I hope)

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OoC: alas, the only other thought i have of defeating Fatako is Whether she is using her Wyvern form jutsu, find the weakness for that monster and use it, Fatako turns back into her Normal form, stunned, then use something that he is also weak to (If in Normal form, Her weakness is either Dragon(AKA Dark) power or the Divine slasher(The latter being the Stronger, in addition, Ryko just shed a few, just 6 more scales to go), If she uses her Wyvern form, here's her elemental weaknesses and strengths for each form:


Monoblos and Diablos:

Strength: Fire

Weakness: Water, Ice


Gravios: (Thinking of using, but her armor makes her NEARLY invincible, the only things that can hit her is her Elemental weaknesses or the Divine slasher)

Strength: Fire

Weakness: Water, Ice, Dragon


Basarios: (See above, except can peirce with some Really sharp weapons, Juvenile form of above)

Strength: Fire

Weaknesses: Dragon


Plesolith: (Only uses when near water)

Strengths: Water

Weaknesses: Thunder, Ice, Fire


Khezu: (Terror of the Thunder also has 2 different flavors, Pale and Red)

S: Thunder (If red, strength is also fire)

W: V V

(Pale): Fire

(Red): Water


Garuga: (Beware of Poison)

S: Fire

W: Water, Ice


Tigrex: (Watch out! Dark Powers reek in this form)

S: Dragon

W: Thunder


Gypceros: (see Garuga, Due to the Extract, this form is Benefactory to others as well)

S: Thunder

W: Fire


Akantor: (Calamity!!!, See Tigrex, Most Powerful Wyvern, Hard Scales Deflect most attacks)

S: Fire, Thunder, Ice, Water

W: Dragon


More to come.....


P.S, Fatako is Kyko's Most powerful form that she can still use her Jutsu, Not her Most Powerful form, Typically being able to come match to Match in her most powerful form without the Divine Slasher is GMing, that's when i accussed you of GMing, oh that gave me an idea for an Anti GMing test

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OoC: Blackblade, you ARE right. Ryan is making it almost impossible for us to defeat. And Aashar, what you just said, it sounds to me like your gonna try to break out of the Dimension of Light and Dark, but only your Dark Side is there, not your good side! And I already stated that nobody can break out of the Dimnsion of Light and Dark. Did you miss that part or what?

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OoC: A problem, i'm not copying, A F***ING DRAGON was sealed in Kyko's soul when she was born, which is Unknown to her at this point, but she is aware of the Dragon, and the Seal is so powerful, if you try to banish the Dragon, you take Kyko along with it, you cannot separate the Dragon from Kyko unless you had talked with the original Sorceror(which is Deceased) or The Divine Slasher(Which is a Reason why it can be easily defeated with this weapon), which, if The White Fatalis(The Dragon sealed in Kyko) is Unleashed, she turns into Fatako, then there is also another condition where she turns into the Dragon itself(Called True Release), if under True Release, She cannot Control herself and the only thing that can defeat it is another Fatalis(Believe it or not, Merik's Dark Dragon form IS a Fatalis, called Black Fatalis)

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OoC: Okay, Ryan, if you were having a soul fight this ENITRE time, then why were you battling Merik with Fatako/Fatalis/What the **** ever? And if Fatalis leaves the body and seal and it is doom to the enitre planet, your making it seem as if Fatalis is like, destroyer of all things.

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OoC: Play monster hunter freedom 2, and try and hunt each fatalis, and you will find how powerful these dragons is, and what do you mean by "leaving", The RP? I'm already banned from it, YCM? well, well, i got a major surprise for you, cause i'm not leaving, the RPing section? That is the only F***ING thing that keeps me on YCM


Edit: FYI, sometimes if i godmod accidently, treat it as a puzzle, i should've told you the weaknesses because not everyone plays MHF2


Edit 2: also, Each Fatalis is called Different Names, here's the list of Nicknames


White: King of Disaster, the Ancestor of all, White Battle of Fates

Red: Crimson Disaster, Red Battle of Fates

Black: Battle of Fates, Black Disaster


P.S. The Bolded names is what it's most often called

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