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"No, you shouldn't bury my body, otherwise, it would be a waste of Platnium and Diamonds, right?" Forsaken laughed. "After all, my body will turn into Pure Platnium and Diamonds, into a statue."


OoC: In otherwords, Forsaken will be turned into stone, body frozen, the body will be, instead of Stone, Platnium. And toher Details will be Diamonds.

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only 1 Clone disappeared


Fatako(Thinking): I thought i never had to Do this, but, White Fatalis Style: Demonblow Ultima - Chadiri


Fatako's and all the Clone's Hands were Covered with Red and Black electricity, then They all Start Charging at Aashar, While Being covered in Red and Black Electricity, then out of Nowhere, Several Black Fireballs appeared and Hit Aashar

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Devil Aashar:Nice Shots you almost took me down. Ha.....ha......hahahahahahaha.


Aashar could'nt control himself he couldnot fight it.


Devil Aashar:Hm you are gonna die. Aashar made up a fire= water and electricty and put it together. Death Awake! Aashar threw it and Fatako could see images of the Grim reaper himself.

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OoC: The White Dragon Completely took over Kyko and is now known as Fatako


Fatako saw that is an Illusion and Merik was Actually Slashing at a clone, so he made another


Fatako: Fool! Why am I called the Ancestor of Everything!


Fatako Runs through the Grim Reaper as if it was Nothing and Rammed as Much Electricity as he could into Aashar, Wounding him so badly, He couldn't do anything

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OoC: Merik got Kyko's, well, Fatako's scent and tracked her down. He DID NOT hit a clone. please read the text. Also, Merik is going to die soon.. BY HIS OWN HANDS. He is untouchable at the moment.


Merik: Coward!! Rrraaawwrrr!!!!!! I will destroy you!!

Merik smelled again and found the real Fatako and slashed her on the face again.

Merik @ Fatako: I am DEATH. I am Destruction. I AM GIZAMA MERIK!!!!!!!!

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