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The White Dragon Fires the Thunderball and It Hit Rokujo's attack, The Force Was Extremely Overbearing to Rokujo, Then Red Electricity Starts Sparking From Its Chest, Then Ryko Runs Behind a Tree and Turns into a Red Dragon Similar To Kyko And Tackled Kyko


OoC: The Red Dragon is Ryko, Unlike Kyko, Ryko Can Actually Control the Dragon Inside him

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OOC:What's Going on? I have been gone for 3 days.

P.S. OOC: Merik Has another way to be killed. He must be in his Dragon State and must be stabbed very deeply in the heart. Also, just so you know, Merik got his seal resealed by the sorceror who sealed it when he was a baby,so it is very hard for the seal to be broken again.

OOC(Again): Enough with the whole seal stuff. There are supposed to be tournaments and things like that, so NO MORE RANDOM FIGHTING CRAP. ALso, @ Duelist_King_Ryan: Merik is not invincible. Neither are any of my NPCs.

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OoC: I told you. Merik can only be KILLED when his seal has been broken. Merik CAN be killed, so he is NOT INVINCIBLE. Drop this arguement.


Merik woke up and left the school. Merik arrived in Tokyo, at an old shop owned by an old man.

Merik: I would like to speak to Kimori.

Owner: I am Kimori. What is it that you need?

Merik: You placed a seal on me when I was 5, and I want you to reseal it please.

Kimori: Very well. 10000 yen please.

Merik handed him the money.

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OoC: I Have Multiple people that Fixes that, 15 People at least, the Dragon Powers on Kyko is of if she gets out of Control from Violence, The Dragon Powers on Ryko is Reserved for either going somewhere or Fighting with Kyko's Dragon form


Ryko: are you the Principal of that academy you were in? If So, Try and Break up Random Fights, It Hurts My Sister




Kyko turns back to Normal and is KOed

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Izumi was getting bored, so she went around the school. She went into Kiza's room, and lay down in his bed. Kiza leaned up.

Kiza: Izumi, I sense something. I'm going to check it out.

Before Izumi could say anything, Kiza was gone.

Izumi: I wonder what's got him in a rush. All I wanted to do was f***.


OoC: Izumi can get very.. Sexual. That was an example.


Merik lay down.

Merik: I think I'm going to relax with you for a while.

Naomi: Okay. I don't mind at all.


OoC: Ryan, I just thought of something. RYKO HAS NOT BEEN SUBMITTED TO ME. He cannot be a character.

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OoC: He's an NPC created and Controled by me, believe it or not, he is needed to Supress, and later kill Kyko


Edit: Here's the form:


Name: Ryko Hysuma

Gender: Male

Age: 40(He ages far faster than anyone else, but he cannot die of old age, his actual age is 3245)

Usual Mood: Protective of Kyko

Height: 6'5

Appearance: Wears a Red Dragon Uniform

Hair shape: Casual

Hair color: Black(Normal), Red (if angry), or White (if about to Fight)

Eye color: Red

Facial features: None

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Rokujo layed in his room, with his arm WAY too bandaged up and layed in a sling (That thing Harry Potter wears during Movie 2 where he broke his arm, THAT thing) due to his Technique, and the Lightning Ball Kyko used. ".........Damm it." was all Rokujo said about his broken arm. Ikrora came by to check up on Rokujo, and said, "The doctor needs you right away, so he can give you some more blood." Afterwards, Rokujo got up, and walked to the doctor. "Ahh Rokujo, sit, please." the doctor commanded at a nice tone of voice as Ikora entered the room. Rokujo was then knocked out by a sledgehammer to his injured arm by the doctor, causing Rokujo to crying in agony and pain, but he didn't cry, but just layed on the ground. The doctor then snatched Ikora, and ran out of the building. "Rokujo!" screamed Ikora as loud as she could. "Ikora!" replied Rokujo, but did not reach Ikora.

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Kyko hears Ikora Screaming


Kyko: Eye of..

Ryko: No, you are not Ready yet, Eye of the Dragon


Ryko's Eyes turned into Dragon eyes which were much better than Normal ones, He Sees Ikora being kidnapped


Ryko: I will not tolerate this, Kyko, Get Ikora

Kyko: Yes Brother


Kyko Runs In front of the Doctor


Kyko: Put Her Down!, You are not Raping her as you did me

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