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I need one' date=' i see it doing well in my Deck, I have mainly Lv 3 tuners, would bang out Stardust in a turn.


Tis a Good Card.



yep. ^_^


it is a good card. you can send Quilbolt to the Graveyard for his summoning, then summon a tuner, then get back Quilbolt then, or whenever...


it could set up something big, like sending necro guardna to the graveyard as payment.


and if you really had a useless card in your hand, then that could be used as well and you get a 2000 ATK monster...


it is a good card. i wouldnt run it in threes, though i would like to find uses for it. ^_^ and it is a suitable replacement for Cyber Dragon now that it is at one...


good card is good.

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Guest PikaPerson01

Shiny card is shiny... and good.


IIRC, it's just a rare, which means it's not at all shiny, just it's lettering.


I think it'd only be "decent" for some other meta other then this one.

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Shiny card is shiny... and good.


IIRC' date=' it's just a rare, which means it's not at all shiny, just it's lettering.


I think it'd only be "decent" for some other meta other then this one.



Entry from my dictionary:


shiny (adj): 1. praiseworthy or significant enough to draw notice, 2. generally attractive


Case closed.

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Mediocre card is mediocre.


CyDra and Instant Fusion are still better than this.


CyDra gives you no real loss of advantage despite being somewhat situational.


As for Instant Fusion, I dont see the big deal with losing 1000 Life Points when you can get an Instant Synchro Summon or a Tribute for PMD or a Monarch.


Tricky costs you hand advantage which is never really good.

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s*** CARD IS s***


Really now.


Care to elaborate?




There are better choices in every last matter of contention' date=' barring decks based around Lv5 or higher WIND Spellcaster-Type monsters.


There is no logical reason to run decks based around Lv5 or higher WIND Spellcaster-Type monsters.



Thanks for elaborating for him.


But, I'm not entirely sure what you just said due to the Word Choice. But it's a Level 5 monster that can be Special Summoned by discarding 1 card. So overall it is pretty good, but tonis had the "Brains" to say it sucks.


You may not agree, but at least I stated what I feel.

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