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[DISC] Nobleman of Crossout V.S. Sheild Crush

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Nobleman is far more situational. That face-down your opponent set could just be a defender to stave off an attack, or it could be a stall card like reaper,. Shield Crush can get rid of that Reaper AFTER you verified that it was that.


Still Nobleman os probably far better due to its potential to eliminate all the copies, not to mention put them beyond your opponent's reach.

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Guest PikaPerson01

I've seen people hold up on setting Treeborn and/or Disk until they have a way of discarding them so they didn't get NoC-ed. (Lol, bannable cards in arguments) (But we're discussing a bannable card! ... And Shield Crush!)


Uhh... they both do different things. If you feel like ****ing with flip effects (like Dekoichi or something?) use NoC. If you're goal is to RFG Treeborn or Disk, you're better off using Crow then anything.


Shield Crush has much more instances when it can be used, but Nobleman of Crossout is bannable. Figure that one out.

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If I did run either one Id run the crush because at 1 and being as situational as it is, NoC isnt very playable now. Overall Crush is easier to hit with than NoC, like if your opponent reborns a spirit reaper. I would have to say that in this meta, Crush > NoC. In Crabs "perfect" meta, assuming he doesnt ban NoC, NoC would probably be more played. Crush has more combos behind it, like you can ECon and the crush it (happened to me at locals, I loled). I wouldnt run either one but if I had to Id say crush cause its better for the meta.

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Here's the real question: Who runs Flips anymore' date=' aside from the occasional Ryko?





That's one man. And how do you know he will have the same deck next time?


Effectively speaking, there's no point in running NoC just the extra removal because it's significantly more situational.


Corn as in the deck not the man. In fact flip effects have been getting more popular since Glad Beasts have risen to power

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Here's the real question: Who runs Flips anymore' date=' aside from the occasional Ryko?





That's one man. And how do you know he will have the same deck next time?


Effectively speaking, there's no point in running NoC just the extra removal because it's significantly more situational.


Corn as in the deck not the man. In fact flip effects have been getting more popular since Glad Beasts have risen to power


Excuse me while I go catch up on reading... =..=;;

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Running either this meta is questionable. Spy' date=' Frog, Disc, and Apprentice don't see play at all anymore.



They're still around, but they're so rare, and Disc is getting banhammer'd.


Not pro meta was what I was getting at.


And if it's not in reference to pro meta, it barely qualifies as relevant, because you can just print off whatever proxies you want otherwise.

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